iPhone stuck in "headphones" mode
Windows XP Pro
Windows XP Pro
i tried everything i could think of i sucked on the headphone jack look to see for debris or anything suck and nothing i turned it on and off several times and still nothing so i was desperate i grabbed my blow dryer i set it on high and bam it worked i could hear everything hope this helps you an saves you money
i tried everything i could think of i sucked on the headphone jack look to see for debris or anything suck and nothing i turned it on and off several times and still nothing so i was desperate i grabbed my blow dryer i set it on high and bam it worked i could hear everything hope this helps you an saves you money
I had the same issue on a borrowed iphone 5S -
I sorted it by doing the following:- Ensure headphones are plugged into the headphone jack.
I hope this resolves your issue.
Good luck.
I happened to face the exact issue. The problem was not pertaining to the software but with the hardware. This I got it confirmed when the problem wasn't fixed even after the hard reset.
The only reason why hardware could have created this issue is because dust getting accumulated inside the headphone slot which is making the device feel that the headphone is connected.
Removing the dust from the slot was the toughest task.
I didn't want to use any hard materials which would probably permanently damage the headphone slot.
For which I used sticky notes and rolled in such a way that the sticky end enters the slot.
After some shaking and push pull, I could see dust sticking on to the sticky end of the paper roll.
Hope this helps many iPhone users like me.
Ok, did u try turning it off and on ? It may be a systematic issue. And then actually try SUCKING AND BLOWING in your headphone plug. What worked for me is just leaving The Iphone with earphones plugged overnight. Then take them out in the morning. That should do it.
Thank you for your suggested fix. I tried everything on 20 pages of Apple forums and a bunch of different YouTube videos. The only thing that worked was accepting a call with the headphones actually plugged in, and then unplugging and plugging them in multiple times, then hanging up.
I dropped my phone down the toilet. All seemed well until I tried to listen to music and it said that I had headphones connected when I did. At first I put an earbud up there and it cleaned out all of the water, then I sucked in with my mouth over the headphone jack and that still didn't work. So I tried to plug my headphones in and then when I removed them everything was back to normal. Definitely worth looking strange by sucking your phone, it works!
Been there, done that.
I know it can be really annoying when you can't hear anything, even when your calls are coming through, music, watching videos on YouTube or whatever.
I can't remember how many times my iPhone got stuck in Headphones mode but it was a lot.
All those times I have relied on this quick and simple ways to help me get my iPhone fixed. 🙂
13 Simple Ways to Fix iPhone Stuck in Headphones Mode
1. Try removing your iPhone’s case
Most of the time, it could just be that your iPhone’s case could be blocking the pathway to the audio jack, which then causes your iPhone to remain stuck in Headphones mode.
2. Turn your iPhone off and back on again
Even if you find that you remove your iPhone’s case and it still remains stuck in Headphones mode, then what you can do is turn your iPhone off and back on again to make sure that the problem does not lie in your software.
3. Plug in and out your headphones a few times
One thing you should make sure when you plug in, is you should be able to hear the audio clearly on your headphones.
Once you are pretty sure it works all great, only then should you slowly stop the audio, clear your history (by double tapping your home button and make sure no background apps are running) and then firmly plug out your headphones.
4. Go AirPlane Mode
Step 1: Go onto your iPhone and then swipe up from the bottom of your Home screen to open your Control Center.
Step 2: Then tap Airplane Mode
You can also go to your iPhone’ settings and turn it on there as well
5. Use a Bluetooth speaker
When you connect your iPhone to a Bluetooth speaker or headphones, your iPhone will recognize the Bluetooth device and will also know when you disconnect it (since you’re not unplugging it manually which can sometimes be confusing to your iPhone).
6. Change your iPhone’s Settings
7. Clean inside your iPhone’s Headphone jack
It would mainly be because of moisture or dust that’s been accumulated in
your headphone slot.
For water drops or moisture, you can try sucking it, like the way mentioned in the above comments.
If it’s dust then maybe you try this... 👇-1F3FC;👇-1F3FC;
How did you turn the phone and ringer off simultaneously?
I tried plugging the headphones in and out several times while reading these posts... no luck. I shut the phone off and plugged the headphones in and took them out a couple more times and that worked! Not sure if there was a correlation, but I'm happy with the results.
I also tried powering down, blowing in and sucking the headphone jack, turning off Bluetooth, and a few other unsuccessful manouvers prior to the headphone trick.
Thank you all!
Spent about 25 mins on live chat to an advisor he was taking me through all the steps to try and fix it none of them would work. He then asked me to backup my phone and restore it, was a bit skeptical of it working but it actually worked and now my phone is working fine. Still not sure why it was thinking the headphones were plugged in.
I have iphone 6S Plus, IOS 10.2. I have digital hearing aids that allow me to stream my music from my phone, through a Bluetooth remote into the receivers in my ear. If I just turn off the remote the phone will stay in headset mode. I have to change it back to music directly from iphone before turning off.
Might sound a bit weird, but I stuck one of those sticks that you get in diffusers into the headphone jack a few times and got some dust out (idek how that got in there) and inserted n removed headphones once, and then it worked :)
I was like no way is sucking my headphone jack going to work, but i was desperate and out of options. I guess the first few tries i wasn't sucking hard enough, but i kept trying and it worked. you are a genius! 😎
Has happened to me twice.
Both times it was related to being out in the rain and the headphone jack getting wet. Can't remember how I fixed it first time but this time tried everything suggested here: Qtip, sucking on the headphone jack, playing with volume, calling from another phone and then shutting down call while in speaker mode, pressing on speaker area exteriors, using a toothpick to pick out debris from phone jack....!!! Nothing worked. Was getting a headphone jack plugin notification and there was no audio on calls/texts/tweets.. With the rain association in mind decided to use hairdryer on cool mode to send air into headphone jack. Bingo!
iPhone stuck in "headphones" mode