downloaded CoolBook Controller 2 days ago and my MB Air is running barely lukewarm after all day usage. I highly recommend. Use recommended settings though.
I got my MBA back from Apple today. It took them 18 days to replace the logic board (Gravis, Germany). First I had to install an EFI Firmware update from April. (So either they put an old logic board into my MBA or Apple is to unorganized to produce updated logicboards in the factory)
While copying back my data from an external USB harddrive to the MBA I had continuous and long core shutdowns. The MBA is not standing on a flat surface.
What is the next step now? Having the logic board replaced another time?
I am in Germany too and I have two Airs as you can read further up.
I bought them at Media Markt both at the same time.
One Air I was told by Apple to bring it into an Apple Repair centre (which is e.g. Gravis or M&M trading). I took it to M&M trading and they replaced my logic board and the fan. Now it runs much cooler and I can't force it to freeze any more.
The other Air I let the shop Media Markt handle it and they sent it back to me after over 4 weeks claiming the book would be ok.
Now I have it at M&M trading too and hope that they will do the same repairs to this Air like they did with my other one.
BTW: The Apple hotline told me it's better to take it to M&M, because they fix their stuff right at the store where you hand it in while Gravis ships every Mac to their central in Berlin so it takes much longer.
My MacBook Air gets so HOT on the Bottom Left side, you can not put your hand on it, this is duing normal operations, no video, no Internet. I am worried the buttons are going to melt.
My macbook (Black 2.4ghz 250gb hard drive) runs extremely hot ( Average of 150 F on normal use like Internet, music) That with out it being plugged into a power supply. Called apple today and they told me to take it into the apple store to have it looked at. Guessing that's not really normal, btw using iStat Pro.
my MBA is running on 6200 rpm, 50 to 65 degrees.
It is noisy and it hangs when is too hot (using skype video conferencing for example).
It is not working as a normal computer should.
Alright, I finally got my MacBook Air 1,8 back. After I took it to the store here where I bought it (Media Markt) my Mac was gone for over three weeks. After many discussions I finally knew what happened to my Mac and what happened was nothing. The technician said there was no fault and the machine would just run fine(!). Of course I didn't agree since obviously there is a fault since I already have my 1,6 MacBook Air back after repair and it works beautiful.
So I took my Air to a different Apple retailer who was fixing my other Air before. And after I explained to the technician the problem he swapped the logic board and the fan and guess what? Now the Air runs how it was supposed to in the first place.
I just had Skype Videochat on running, Flash CS3, Dreamweaver CS3, Illustrator CS3, Photoshop CS3 and Safari all running and switching back and forth working while talking on Sykpe.
*NOT A SINGLE CORE SHUTDOWN* happened while I was doing this for a whole hour and the Mac didn't freeze on me either.
Before I handed my Mac in to get fixed I did the same thing having ONLY Skype running and my whole Mac froze after it becoming too hot.
Like I originally thought. Apple didn't construct the MacBook Air the wrong way. Personally I believe it is the thermal paste and that the technician here is just more skilled then the one's who are working in the Apple factory. All I can say is my two Airs run now perfectly and they are able to cool themselves down without overheating.
If you are having the same problems that I had insist on a fix, a hardware fix. Don't settle with a wrong pieced together Mac. It is worth the trouble having it fixed trust me. I'm happy with my Air now 🙂
Does it make much difference if you are plugged into the battery charger or running unplugged just on battery? I mean how high a temp and fan speed when plugged into the charger and watching YouTube?
thank you. Yes it was quiet some stress to get my Airs fixed but in the end it paid off.
With my stress test I mentioned before I had 76°C with the fans blowing at full speed but it kept the Air cooled that no core shut downs or freezing happened.
At your request I watched YouTube videos (with high quality enabled) and reached steady 61°C with the fans blowing at 2500 rpm minimum speed. The temperature in my room is 22°C.
During all my test the Air was plugged into the charger.
You are welcome. If you or anyone else would like some other tests done with e.g. a specific site/flash movie or program just ask here and I can try it out and post the results here.