I've had success using
ClipEdit in conjunction with an Automator workflow:
1) Create a destination folder for your soon-to-be converted text documents.
2) After downloading ClipEdit, create a test clipping and open it in ClipEdit. From the File menu select Export As > RTFD Text… When the Save dialog appears, click on the "Where:" menu and navigate to newly created destination folder. Select it and press Save. Do this step for the sole purpose of establishing the default save-to folder. When completed, open the destination folder and delete the saved test document.
3) In System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts, create a new application shortcut for ClipEdit, Menu Title: "RTFD Text…" without the quotes (use the Option + Semicolon keys to create the ellipsis, not three periods); and for this example, Command + Option + R for the Keyboard Shortcut. Click the Add button and close both ClipEdit and System Preferences for the change to take effect.
4) Create an Automator workflow using these actions:
a) *Get Folder Contents* -- From the Automator's Finder library
b) *Open Finder Items* -- Also from the Finder library. From the "Open with:" pop-up menu, locate and select ClipEdit.
c) *Run AppleScript* -- From Automator's Automator library. In System Preferences > Universal Access, make sure "Enable access for assistive devices" is checked. This code worked for me:
*on run {input, parameters}*
*tell application "ClipEdit" to activate*
*tell application "System Events"*
*tell process "ClipEdit"*
*if exists window 1 then*
*keystroke "r" using {command down, option down}*
*delay 1*
*click button "Save" of window "Export RTFD File"*
*keystroke "w" using command down*
*exit repeat*
*end if*
*end repeat*
*end tell*
*end tell*
*return input*
*end run*
Copy the block of code and paste it into the area provided inside the Run Applescript box, overwriting what's already populated there. Click on the hammer icon so that the script compiles.
Save the workflow as an application, to be used as a droplet, or as a Finder Plug-in, accessible in the Finder from a contextual menu.
The workflow is designed to work when the source folder contains text clippings
only, and the destination folder is free of already converted duplicates of those yet to be converted -- either condition will stop the workflow dead in its tracks.
Just a thought... Good luck!