macbook air airport disconnecting solution for lots of people.
Go to System Preferences/Network/Airport/Advanced and under the TCP/IP tab change the Configure IPv6 to "off". Use WPA encryption, no WEP, i had this problem of dropping the wireless connection on my macbook pro, my imac and my macbook air, then changed this configuration and no more problems.
I use a netgear router, changed router channel to 6, WPA encryption.
I do not know if this is a Leopard problem or routers problems, and is not our job to do this, it's Apple's. We have to make apple know about this problem and help one each other on the best way we can. i've seen lots of people that have airport routers from apple and they are experiencing this issue also. so i believe we have to set things under last standards most frequently used. This kind of dropping connection happened to me everywhere till now, that i fixed those configurations.
Please post other solutions or details that may help others.
imac intel core duo, MBP, MBA, Mac OS X (10.5.2)