Using Automator to Convert PDF to JPEG
Why in the world can't I actually SAVE the images and why can't it keep the original filenames? I thought Automator was supposed to SIMPLIFY things?
MacBook Pro / Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
MacBook Pro / Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
same for me but i can't use simon's solution no files saved...
Instead of "render PDF as images", use "PDF to images"
thanks i get one pdf from each page but no jpeg 😕
My automator Application work:
1. Render PDF Pages as Images
2. Files and Folders > Make Sequential
3. Files and Folders > Get Selected Finder Items
4. Files and Folders > Move Finder Items
It works and I get a collection of jpeg images for each page in a PDF file. I get an error "The action Move Finder Items encountered an error." If I take the action out, script doesn't work. I can live with the error though since it doesn't effect the results.
This worked for me:
-Files and Folders > Find Finder Items (I chose a file "BetaPDF")
-Files and Folders > Get Folder Contents
-Render PDF Pages as Images (Setting on JPEG)
-Files and Folders > Move Finder Items (I made a file "Beta jpgs")
I then saved it as an application and I can drag any file I want onto the application and all pdfs convert to jpegs in my "Beta jpgs". It works for me and I don't get errors. I think it was luck mostly and trying a variation from the above comments.
Thank you , so much time saved in the future , I now have a simple 3 step solution to reducing files , your solution worked for me after a couple of attempts , You have to make sure when you save it as an app. the file you were converting is removed and also before dropping new files on top of the app you double click it , at least thats what I found .
Yes, this tips is good, pdf to jpeg conversion work is succeed.
Thanks this works great.
Using Automator to Convert PDF to JPEG