You are correct: the "Guest" account got auto-bumped into the name "Guest1" because of a pre-existing name conflict. Back when I was running Tiger, I created a homemade "Guest" account. When I upped it to Leopard and activated the built in Guest account, I also had "Guest1". During my attempts to set things right, Leopard created *yet another* account, so I had Guest (from Tiger), Guest1 (from Leopard upgrade), and Guest2! An important thing to note here is that the default UID:GID of the auto-created account should always be 201:201.
I just did this successfully but a few minutes ago, and I remembered your thread's high position during my google search.
Here's what to do:
1) Identify each node in your network which has a Guest1 account. If you don't know this already, you can test each computer with the following commands:
$ /usr/bin/dscl . list /Users | grep -i guest
$ /usr/bin/id Guest
$ /usr/bin/id Guest1
(dscl is the replacement for NetInfo util of previous OS X releases)
2) Turn off the guest user functionality in the System Preferences > Accounts panel.
3) Delete and archive the user-created Guest accounts using the System Preferences > Accounts panel. If you were truly using these as disposable guest accounts, then you really shouldn't have any data worth saving. Also, if the guest account was a member of any weird groups--which a true guest account shouldn't have to be--we'll get to that in a later step. Heaven forbid that any daemons or jobs ran off these guest accounts! Also, I moved the archived .dmg file from /Users/Deleted Users directory as an extra-paranoid step.
4) Delete ALL "Guest-anything" accounts on afflicted nodes (Guest1)
# /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/dscl . delete /Users/Guest1
Now your system should have no guest accounts at all, and you should get a blank result from running the above command again:
$ /usr/bin/dscl . list /Users | grep -i guest
5) Restart the computer. Perhaps this is an unnecessary habit of my days as a Windows admin, but just do it, please--I think there was some issue where OS X was still seeing the old name.
6) Enable the Guest account using System Preferences > Accounts panel. Because there are no accounts named "Guest" on the system, the new account will be built and named correctly!
7) Now for some cleanup. Here is an excellent article from the good folks at O'Reilly:
Not all of the article is applicable here since we're only killing a guest account, but it's sure good for learnin'! Anyway, here's the quick bash loop I wrote to tell me which groups have what users:
$ for xxx in $(/usr/bin/dscl . list /Groups); do echo -n "$xxx : " ; /usr/bin/dscl . read /Groups/$xxx GroupMembership; done | grep -v "No such key:"
Depending on how old your machine is, you might find some remnants of long gone accounts!
Well, that's it. I hope this completely answers your question. I'd like to know either way if I've helped you fully, or if my instructions were somehow wrong. I merely banged out the instructions from memory, this reply
is my documentation! And if you already figured this out a better way since your initial posting, I'd like to know how you did it, too.
Foster Lee