I did a clean install of OS X Server on a G5. I set up DNS and Router settings. Then adjusted the web settings. When I tried to start Web Service I got an Error 10002. No matter what I seemed to try, I could not resolve the issue. Is there anyone who knows where to locate a resolution for Error 10002 or find out where the definition of the Error Messages can be found. Or is this a guessing game?
That is why I am trying to post a discussion. I have no clue as to what to check since I can not get an answer as to what an error code 10002 is in the first place. What I am interested in is an error code listing which gives a clue as to what the error code is, or what causes the error code, and suggestion on how to correct the error code. Otherwise I am flying blind.
I experienced this error a few times today while adding some options to the sites configurations. This error seems to mostly be associated with an incorrect configuration.
For example, I had an invalid redirection link one time today. Fortunately, Apache logged the error to /var/log/system.log as being a problem with one of the site .conf files on a specific line (46 for me). I checked the file and looked at that line (cat -n site.conf | grep 46) and it showed a recent entry I had made.
Another time today I experienced this was with turning on SSL for a few sites. The errors showed up in the error log for one of the sites.
So, it can be a number of things, but seems to always be an incorrect configuration when I have seen it.
I am totally new to the OS X Server. I put it on my old Mac Mini and it seemed to work fine for a while. Unfortunately I do not have enough expertise to go through the configuration file and figure out what the issue is.
I did manage to find an article on Apple's support forum that described something similar to this for Server 10.2.1, so I did the following:
I used the Terminal and typed in: sudo apachectl configtest . It came back with the following message:
Syntax error on line 2 of /private/apache2/httpd.conf: Invalid command '\xf1', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration.
Any idea what this means? Should I try to delete the offending statement and see what happens next?
I actually opened the httpd.conf file and it is all garbled. Indeed there was the Spanish ñ character in the file.
I have a nasty suspicion that someone has been trying to remotely crash my system.
One thing I tried was to replace the content of the damaged file with the content of httpd.conf.default file. Unfortunately that didn't help and I am getting another error message. I am actually considering re-installation of the entire Apache module. I am hoping that I can use Pacifist to do that. Any suggestions?
nasty suspicion? My server gets hit with people trying to access windows file sharing ports, ssh ports, web site, smtp for spam, etc every day and all day long. It's just random people making stupid attempts from somewhere in russia, korea, china, etc. I have stuff in place to block those attempts... firewall, block lists, etc. Is this suspicion someone you know? Otherwise, I would usually doubt that someone is genuinely making it in...
As for your httpd.conf file... yeah, you should be able to use pacifist to get a default copy. I have not checked or tried that myself, but I would imagine there is a copy of httpd.conf in the install package. As for the whole apache module... it is there, but I don't know how much you will go through to get those files back in place.