Water under screen
It looks as though the screen is the only thing damaged, but I thought I'd ask for an opinion here as well. Is there any way to fix the screen? Will it dry out on its own?
Powerbook G4 15inch, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
Powerbook G4 15inch, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
**read the part about just taking off the LCD casing... it's fairly easy and works on 12-inch, 15-inch, and 17-inch PowerBooks-- if you need help, let me know, as in a visual (though you can do that on iFixIt.com)
P.S. But I do advise, just in case (of course, you'd know more than us since you have the unit in front of you), to remove the top case and check the inside of the computer. "Pockets" in the machine that may have collected water. Or, just let it dry out for a few more days. Wouldn't hurt. (Better than a water-shorted machine).
Water under screen