Can you name one key "useful" piece of functionality that wasn't available in OS9 (and before) ?
Hi, Simon. Do stability and bulletproof memory management count?
I used to think OS 8.6 was rock-solid. It crashed far less often than any previous version, and I'd used them all. Even when it did, I was always back up and running normally in minutes. From years of practice, I knew exactly how to fix anything that went wrong, and I knew how to maintain my system so that hardly anything did — except memory fragmentation. There was no getting away from that until OS X, so in OS 8.6 and 9, I shut down or restarted my Macs every day to clear the memory, and sometimes I still ran afoul of RAM fragmentation.
In Panther, my old Powerbook runs 24/7 for months at a time. I've had two KPs (due to hardware faults) and not one freeze in four years. I haven't learned how to fix whatever might ail OS X because nothing ever does. And the few apps I still need to use in Classic mode are actually happier running that way than they were in pure OS 9. Not everyone's experience of Classic, I know, but definitely mine.
So yes, I think there's functionality in OS X that OS 9 didn't offer. It just works —
all the time.