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Scratches under the iPhone glass


Thought I'd post here as I have noticed a couple of scratches have appeared on my iPhone, they are only slight, but I have no idea how they occured and they are noticeable.

The reason I've posted is that they are under the glass, with no visible marks or damage whatsoever to any other part of the phone. The scratches are right at the edge of the glass at the bottom of the phone below the home button. It's almost as if some internal component has scratched at the back of the glass and removed the black coating.

I doubt I can take the phone back, I've had it 3 weeks and the scratches are only small, but I'm a bit disappointed now that for the remainder of my 18 month contract, I will have a less than perfect phone through no fault of my own as far as I can tell.

Does anyone have any ideas how these marks might have appeared? Has anyone else had this happen? I want to make sure I avoid it getting any worse...

PowerBook G4, Mac OS X (10.4.11), iPhone 3G

Posted on Aug 6, 2008 6:00 AM

46 replies
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Aug 6, 2008 6:10 AM in response to Holster®

Honestly, I'd try taking it into an Apple Store and let them have a look. If they are internal, they most likely have been there all along, and you just noticed them (perhaps, but that would be my take). In that case, Apple may very well provide a replacement, as there's no reasonable (or undetectable) way you could have put them in there yourself...

Hope this helps...

Aug 6, 2008 5:03 PM in response to Holster®

I too have the same problem! Im really not sure what has caused it, I've babied my phone. Here's an image:


It's definatly under the surface of the glass, the surface is still smooth. At first there was only the one scratch on the right, but now 2 more seemed to of appeared in the last day or two.

Does your's look like this? I wonder what we can do? :S

Aug 7, 2008 2:10 AM in response to Andrew Bowser

Hey Andrew

Yes, that's exactly what has happened to mine. I have been very careful with the phone and there is no damage to the surface so I am at a loss as to where the marks have come from. They look very similar to yours but are at the bottom of the phone rather than the top. I might be able to get a picture of them later to compare. I have two, and they are only at the edge like yours.

Not sure what to do, I feel like a bit of a nit picker, but at the same time, I genuinely don't think I've caused them so why should I put up with them for the next 17 and a half months?

With the iPhone shortages in the UK, I'd feel a bit of a git going into a store and asking for a new one because mine was slightly damaged while other people still can't get hold of one at all, but again, that's not really my problem.

I feel like trying to get it replaced, but I have a feeling that won't be easy...

Aug 7, 2008 5:58 AM in response to Holster®

I dont really have any idea what is causing it... I've tried looking at disassembled pictures of the iPhone 3g, but I don't really see anything that looks like it would be causing a problem.

I agree, it is nitpicky, I was alittle annoyed when I saw the first scratch, but got over it. Now that two more have appeared im starting to get worried what it might look like come the end of my contract with this thing!!

Aug 7, 2008 4:41 PM in response to Holster®

I also have this problem, first it was two perfectly straight lines underneath the glass a few days ago, and just now I've noticed one other mark at the top of the screen as well. Both seem to be under the glass, and I too have been babying my iPhone.

I also have a white plastic case and there is also some stress cracks by the volume switch. Are these both considered defects?

I hate to go through the process I went through before getting a "good" iPhone. The first gen I bought had multiple stuck pixel problems, and I spent a lot of time going to and from the Apple store... not fun.

I'm going to go in and at least see what the genius says, I will try and post pictures and more info here as it comes.

Aug 8, 2008 8:28 PM in response to Holster®

You need to take the phone back to apple, the problem that your having is delimantion issues with the screen. They are not acuall scratches but look like it. Apples aware of this problem. Return the phone back to apple, by making an appointment with a mac genius or just do a walk in. The 15 days has nothing to do with it unless you wanted to return your phone for a refund. Otherwise you have a year on manufactoring warrenty. I've returned two phones for the same exact issue. Never had a problem dealing with apple trying to get them replaced. I've exchanged 7 different phones for differnt problems.

Aug 10, 2008 11:15 AM in response to Tiverton

I have had an iPhone 3G since launch day in Canada and over the last few days, my phone has developed this same issue.

Here's a picture of mine:

Someone needs to find the common denominator for what is causing this... like are the beginning of the serial numbers on the affected phones, what usage conditions has the phone been submitted to, etc?

Aug 11, 2008 7:46 AM in response to Holster®

You know, just this weekend I noticed what can only be described as a scratch underneath the glass on my new iphone 3g. However, unlike your description, mine is over the lcd screen. It is obvious in full light situations and is absolutely under the glass but over the lcd. I have not dropped or otherwise damaged the phone in any way.

I have a genius appt today so well see what they say about it.

Aug 11, 2008 1:39 PM in response to t81martin

I have a Genius appointment tomorrow as well, and just as t81martin had said, mine are over LCD.

I ended up using in the description that one had given above as "Delamination issues" because, I have handled this like a baby, and theres no way I could have done this.

We'll see how it goes, I'm anxious to hear t81's response though on what the genius had said.

Aug 12, 2008 8:17 AM in response to stellar_gopens

The genius really didnt say much, he simply began the replacement process after giving the phone a "once over." However, he told me to come in the next day (today) or sometime this week as he didnt have one available to replace it with at that moment.

He thought it looked more like lint under the screen to him but wasnt sure.

One thing I didnt think about that he memtioned re: the replacement was that I would need to have the corporate discount removed from my phone again (as I did when first purchased the phone) in order for them to process the replacement. I guess I didnt think this would be necessary for replacing a phone but evidently it isnt as easy as swapping sim cards between phones.

Anyway, the service I received was great even if they were extremely shorthanded (running behind 15 mins for appts). And Ill have the discount removed and go back in a day or so from now to do the replacement when mine is in.

Aug 12, 2008 12:02 PM in response to mapexvenus

I ended up going to a genius bar locally here in Pittsburgh, and got a "This looks like a surface scratch" and "theres nothing we can do about this" Even though there is nothing phyiscally on the screen when you put your finger over it. I'm not sure what to do now, I'm almost positive that it's nothing on the surface. Even then he gave a "What can I do about it?" type answer. Didn't even mention anything around a replacement, even if I paid for it.

I'm kind of disappointed, but I suppose I understand, but isn't the screen supposed to be scratch-proof? I wonder if I have to live with it, or if I should call Apple first hand.

Any suggestions? My "scratches" or whatever are similar to all of yours, especially t81martin's. I'm half wondering if I didn't get a sympathetic genius (seeing my meeting lasted around 90 seconds) or this was my fault some how (I've been handling this thing like a new-born baby)

Aug 12, 2008 1:16 PM in response to stellar_gopens

Now that is no good.

Is your scratch obviously under the glass? When mine is held so that the light hits the glass surface just right, you can see the perfectly flat glass surface with no marks whatsoever. Only when looking down into the screen is my "scratch" seen.

Like I said, the genius who helped me started the replacement process with little to no hesitation. Actually, he seemed a little stressed, almost embarrassed, that he did not have a replacement unit right there to send me out with.

I'll see if I can post pictures of my screen later before I turn it in.

Message was edited by: t81martin

Message was edited by: t81martin

Aug 12, 2008 3:34 PM in response to Holster®

OK, so heartened by the fact that I'm not the only one who seems to have had this problem I took it up with O2. They told me to take it up with the Carphone Warehouse, and they told me to go to Apple.

I went down to the Apple Store on Regent Street and immediately regretted it. I had totally forgotten what a stressful anarchic place it is. After a few attempts I grabbed an assistant and told them the problem, showing them the phone and telling them about this thread and other people's experiences.

The assistant said it sounded like a straight exchange for a new phone but because I had bought it at the Carphone Warehouse, I've had to make a genius appointment for Thursday to have that 'officially' decided.

I was glad to get out, I'll be back on Thursday.

Fingers crossed.

Oh, and this is what mine looks like...



I'll let you know how I get on...


Scratches under the iPhone glass

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