I've tried everything and I really need help. After I upgraded to the Windows Vista Service Pack 1...I couldn't open my Itunes. I had itunes before this install. When I try to open it..it says: The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory: C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\iTunes\SCInfo. The installation cannot continue. Log on as administartor or contact your system administrator.
I'm the only one on this laptop, I tried making another user and that didn't work. Apple wants to charge me $30 for help.
Thanks for responding, but now when I try to install it says: An error occurred while attempting to create the directory: C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\Instaler Cache\iTunes
I think I took all your steps correctly..I named my computer Adam Misch..so it gives me the options Adam Misch or Administrator to choose...
Well, good luck sorting it, Vista permissions are notoriously difficult.
There is an account called "Trusted Installer" that can't be modifed and it seems something has gone wrong with it.
This is a stab in the dark, but try turning off UAC & DEP for the install.
And make sure to shut down any AV software that's running.
You can always turn it back on.