Airport Extreme - Cannot see hard drive
I recently switched to Airport Extreme (AE). My setup is:
MacBook Pro - Ethernet & Wireless to AE
Macbook - wireless to AE
PC - Ethernet to AE
Two printers - USB to AE
Seagate Hard Drive (300 GB, P/N 9Y7865-560) - USB to AE
I am using a powered USB Hub between the AE and my printers and HD
I can see and use both printers from all computers. I cannot see the hard drive (HD) from any computer. It shows up in the Airport utility's disks tab as:
279.5 GB ST330063 1A 3.04
One possible bit of important info: Before, with my D-Link router, I was using the HD as shared from the PC and I could see it on all machines. All I did was move it directly to the AE. I also plugged the HD directly into my MacBook Pro and it works fine.
Macbook Pro & Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)