Are you trying to connect your PC to the Airport Express (AE) using the AE's ad-hoc
network, or through a router connected to a cable modem ?
No and no. Cable modem is connected to the AE. I used the AE to create a wireless network. I have two Macs and an iPod Touch connecting to the wireless network, wirelessly. I cannot get the PC to connect that same wireless network. I have no computer-to-computer networks at my place.
Are you trying to conncet the PC to the AE via Ethernet cable or wirelessly ?
Have you tried doing a factory reset on the AE ?
Yes. Several times.
Have you tried doing a cold restart on the PC (or whole network) ?
Yes. Several times.
Are you suing the same password for the AE as you do for the encryption on the
router (if using a router) ?
I am not using a router.
Are you using the 10-hex digit/ 26-hex digit encrypted password (not the
When I try to connect the PC to the wireless network, I use the 26 digit hex password. I got that password by selecting "Equivalent Network Password..." from the "Base Station" menu in the AirPort Utility.
I can connect my two Macs and iPod Touch with the PassPhrase without problem.
this is what should also be used for the AE. For WEP the encrypted
password must be the same.
I do not understand what you're trying to say with this.