Unix "rename" Terminal command available in OS X?
I have a couple of different cameras/phones that deliver their photos as
I want to be able to rename these files such that "DSC" is replaced by the camera or phone that took the shot. The "rename" command in Unix (and CMD prompt in XP) do exactly what I need. I just run
rename DSC*.jpg W580i*.jpg and all of file in the folder are renamed.
When I try and run the rename command in a Terminal in OS X, I get this error
mr-mbp:Pix_Xfer MR$ rename
-bash: rename: command not found
Is there a way to enable the rename command in OS X?
I found a nice script called "Replace Text in Item Names" that does what is needed however the command seems so much easier...
MBP 2.6, Mac OS X (10.5.5)