So i've been having a few problems here with my ipod hopeing that someone out there could help me out. So now my Ipod wont charge, it wont hook up to my computer and whenver i hook it up to the charger or the computer the sad face ipod comes on with the address anyways i also get this sign on the screen which is the charging sign but the bar isnt moving, its like its in the charge mode but nothings charging.. then after about 5 minutes it goes back to the apple logo and then tries to restart itself. When its turning on it also makes this clicking sound its like the hard disk is turning on and then turning off... SO basically i cannot get my ipod to turn on ... i cannot get it to charge, and i cannot get it to come up on my computer.. any suggestions?
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Last week, I managed to fix up my daughter's iPod with the same problem. However, you need to have a PC to help you. First, put your iPod into Disk Mode (you may need to plug it with the AC Charger), press "Select"+"play" keys, then plug it with a PC, a window pop up and indicates that your iPod cant be read. Open the iPod Updater (make sure you pre-install the latest iPod updater before you connect your iPod with the PC) and click Restore. Once it has been completed, plug it back with your Mac, and do the Restore in Mac version
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Last week, I managed to fix up my daughter's iPod with the same problem. However, you need to have a PC to help you. First, put your iPod into Disk Mode (you may need to plug it with the AC Charger), press "Select"+"play" keys, then plug it with a PC, a window pop up and indicates that your iPod cant be read. Open the iPod Updater (make sure you pre-install the latest iPod updater before you connect your iPod with the PC) and click Restore. Once it has been completed, plug it back with your Mac, and do the Restore in Mac version
I cannot seem to get my ipod to go into disk mode, i have tried it with the ac charger and then what happens is it goes back to the sad face icon as well as the folder with exclamation mark icon.... any suggestions?
drop your ipod from the height of your waist on the carpetted floor. No kidding, please do a search in this forum. But do it at your own risk
hahahah are you serious? I dont know why i did this but I held it upsde down and it went past the point where it was making the clicking sounds and then it turned on and went into the play mode.
Hahahaha, I believe that the head of the hard disk of the iPod get stuck at one point, hold it up side down - may force it to move from the out of adjustment area. Imagine, if I can write a software which can force the iPod's head (with the problem of exclamation mark and sad iPod)of the HD to re-adjust the position and follow by a RESTORE - I could be a millionaire
Since your iPod can be recognized by your computer,it is better to do a checkdisk and a RESTORE now with it
I dropped mine on the floor and it started working too. I can't believe this worked but I couldn't get anything to work - not a restore, not disk mode, nothing and dropping it on the floor definitely worked. I charged it, restored it and uploaded all of my songs back on. I can't believe it works perfectly now. WOW!
How do you fix Sad face Ipod with exclamation mark