You might have options using your Mac's own built-in Speech Recognition framework.
The following example scripts are designed to perform the indicated click-actions via spoken command when your mouse cursor is already situated at a desired spot -- hovering over a piece of text, a link, an application icon, a folder, empty space on the desktop, etc. Moving your cursor to the particular spot is another matter. According to the information found on
this page, under 'Make Your Move,' however, it would seem that Dictate does allow you to move the cursor via voice. My hope would be that you can use the scripts below in conjunction with Dictate.
Paste each of the following blocks of code into your AppleScript Script Editor. In each case, choose File > Save As > File Format: application, and leave the Options unchecked. Place aliases for the saved scripts into your Home > Library > Speech > Speakable Items folder:
+1) This script performs a single-click, good for clicking links. When saving, you can name it "Click." The code:+
*tell application "System Events"*
*keystroke tab using command down*
*keystroke (ASCII character 53)*
*end tell*
+2) This one performs a double-click, good for opening applications or folders, and for those occasions when you want to highlight a single word on a page. Name it "Double Click."+
*tell application "System Events"*
*keystroke (ASCII character 53)*
*keystroke (ASCII character 53)*
*end tell*
+3) Likewise, triple-click, for highlighting a line or an entire paragraph of text. Name this one "Triple Click."+
*tell application "System Events"*
*keystroke (ASCII character 53)*
*keystroke (ASCII character 53)*
*keystroke (ASCII character 53)*
*end tell*
+4) This script performs a control-click (right-click) on an item or on a piece of text, useful when you want to bring up a contextual menu. Name it "Control-Click" (or "Right-Click").+
*tell application "System Events"*
*keystroke tab using command down*
*key down control*
*keystroke (ASCII character 53)*
*key up control*
*end tell*
Once the scripts are properly saved and their aliases placed in your Speakable Items folder, these additional steps need to be taken for them to work:
1) GUI Scripting must be turned on. Under System Preferences > Universal Access, check "Enable access for assistive devices."
2) Mouse Keys must be turned on. System Preferences > Universal Access > Mouse, select the Mouse Keys: On radio button.
3) In System Preferences > Speech > Speech Recognition > Settings, select the Speakable Items: On radio button. To activate a voice command entirely hands-free, select Listening Method: "Listen Continuously with keyword." You then have the option whether to actually
use the keyword; if you'd prefer not to use a keyword, select Keyword is: "Optional before commands." If necessary, click the Calibrate button to adjust the microphone input volume.
You should be all set at this point. If you choose not to use a spoken keyword or modifier key, then, thereafter, when your mouse cursor is hovering over a desired spot on the screen, simply speak the name of the saved script application -- "Click," "Double-Click," "Triple-Click," or "Control-Click" (or "Right-Click") -- and the corresponding action should complete.
These scripts worked for me, using Mac OS 10.4.11. Your results may vary... Good luck.