I have been trying to download the latest update for an ipod touch and at first I got the message Error = -3259. (something about timeout) I followed 3 or 4 different instructions to fix the problem. I now have a problem in that everytime I try to download the update now, I get error message 1479. It can download anywhere up to 21mb before the message appears. Can anyone help me please?? This is driving me nuts!! Cheers
Myself included. Since downloading 8.0, I cannot download the firmware update to my iTouch w/out the error 3259. I've tried turning off firewalls, antivirus, anything I can find on the internet to try, I've tried. I even tried a second router. iTunes worked perfectly prior to downloading the new version of iTunes.
Please someone, tell me you've got a real fix for this.
For the last three months I have been trying to download my favourite daily podcast and I always get err 3259. It is quite strange as it is only this particular podcast, others seem to work fine.
I have read many posts on this, and have tried to log in and out of itunes, I have not downloaded any anti virus software so dont think i can disable this, not sure about how to disable a firewall or if even I have one.
I connect wireless to a Belkin modem. This is my home connection so have no other intermediaries.
Nothing seems to work, all I can think I have changed in the last three months is I run my i tunes off my external hard drive.
Can anyone help me as this is my daily dose of home and my favourite radio dj's and am having withdrawals!
did anyone receive any answer from apple support?
since I've installed Itunes 8.0, and I've accepted the new purchasing condition form, I cannot download anything.
the first error appearing was err -100000, now a connection timeout pops up: err -3259
I've requested an help to apple support two times, reinstalling itunes, disabling firewall, antivirus etc, I didn't get the clue...
Error 3259. I have the same problem (Connection Timed Out)
I will be visiting Apple Store tomorrow hopefully they will have the answer. Any luck I will post solution. Cheers