MacBook Pro screen blinks
MacBook Pro (Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.5), tv, iPhone, iPod Touch, et al
MacBook Pro (Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.5), tv, iPhone, iPod Touch, et al
Guys, this thread is long enough. Let's not derail it with Skype troubleshooting. Please take it to another thread.
This thread is pointless. The late 2008 MacBook Pros are far too old for any Apple solution.
I will message a MOD to close this thread.
Erica M31 wrote:
This thread is pointless. The late 2008 MacBook Pros are far too old for any Apple solution.
I will message a MOD to close this thread.
What are you talking about? Check the date on the first message. Yeah, that's right: IT'S FROM 2008.
Not to mention that these problems continued long after that. I had a MacBook Pro from last year with the same problem.
So take your helpless-yet-pompous attitude to another thread, because it's not up to you to decide when people accept a loss of $2000 without a whimper.
This thread is the main weapon for MBP 2008 owners agains Apple blindness and 2 months of suffering before being taken care of. Plus, by the way, a 2008 machine is totally usable for most of the non-ultra-intensive tasks.
The only time it shut down was when I was doing a VIDEO call. From my end. My webcam was on and my computer just, got to hot and shut itself down to protect its insides. Otherwise I can call, I just can't do a video call for very long. I get no error messages (Where are you getting that from? I didn't say anything about error messages). This is just ridiculous that the "temporary work around" limits me to what I can do.
Stokestack -- You've proved how reverse psychology works.
Just wanted to keep the flames in this thread alive!
poochie2, the late 2008 MacBook Pros are still the best notebooks on the market in my view.
these machines are completely useable for any intensive tasks.
2 months of suffering... you mean almost 4-years!
Let's say most, any is a bit too much if you try the new i7s with Turbo.
I meant 2 months to get a replacement in typical scenarios.
Hello Fellow Sufferers,
Greetings from India.
I have been reading this thread for some time now, this is the first time I am writing here.
I had been facing this flickering/blinking problem for a while and seeing my Apple Care was about to expire soon I decided to bring it in for a ''Quick Repair''.
That was on the 17th of December 2011, 54 Days and 2 motherboard/display replacements later I am still dealing with the problem.
During this time my computer has been in the service centre for more than 15 days. At my first attempt they did not acknowledge the problem till I made a person sit next to me and pointed out the problem.
They replaced the motherboard, and gave me the computer saying that the problem is gone and they have ''tested'' it out. When I took it home i found out that the computer wouldn't go to sleep and the bluetooth had conked off. After I brought it in they said they would need to replace the display, after a new display and further tests, I was told that the problem is not there anymore.
As expected the problem was back on when I brought it home, this time however I recorded 10 instances of the issue on video, and showed it them, in turn they apparently showed to apple who suggested another replacement of the display and motherboard. When I went back there a week ago, they told me the new motherboard made the blinking even worse and that is why they are giving me back the computer with the old motherboard and that they will order yet another motherboard for me.
I was told the motherboard has arrived I am to bring in the computer again tomorrow.
My Apple Care expired on the 3rd of Feb, and now the computer is under the 90 day service repair warranty.
I have now gone past the country customer service reps and am speaking to a ''senior' rep, probably regional.
My hopes are very low, and I know I am not adding anything useful here which is why I refrained from posting here all this while, but I hope it adds some more weight to the thread.
All technological ranting and fanticism aside... I have got to say that the pride(maybe that's too strong a word) and peace of mind one felt from owning an Apple product as opposed to another brand is fast diminishing. And it is not because of the fact that those other brands are pulling up their socks but it seems Apple is slacking off. And that is terrible news for tech junkies and consumers alike.
Heres wishing you all a speedy recovery...
Show them this thread, tell them that ou know that Apple has already acknowledged this situation for other users and you should be considered just like them. I got my replacement even after the 90 days since the last repair at the ent of AC. I really do not understand wy they struggle so much treating everyone like exceptions because of this problem instead of recognizing the issue. Keep putting pressure on them and you will be rewarded. One day they told me a replacement was impossible and 2 hour later they phoned me to confirm my shipping address...
Same problem here in France too. Screen blinks on a macbook pro (on apple care). After some interventions (2 logic boards, one alimentation cards) . They kept my laptop and did some test (apple store). They said they did not see any "black flash" during the test cause they unactivated Hard disk....
So they will format it and send it back to me.
I'll see and let you inform.But i really have no hope (i follow this thread for years now !!!! ).
Anyway if it does not work, i did a procedure file with all documents, registered mails are ready (i really resume the situation !!!! Cause with details it takes 3 pages of word document !!!!).
I'm bored of this problem and disappointed that Apple does not solve it by themself as a quality brand mark they pretend.
Here Holland, same problem - mac book 15" pro bought in oct 2009 - display and logic board burned through
repair costs Euro: 1040,--
For a MB of 2years and 2 months apple wouldnt do anything
Because i am working from home with an Imac the MB is only for outside of the office work , maybe it is turned on for 4 to 5 hours a day.
Screen flickering like crazy while I'm typing this. It seems like the issue is more prominent when the battery is low.
There is no Apple Store in my town, however my early 2009 MacBook Pro is still under warranty with Future Shop (Canada). I'll take it to them and see what they can do. Any Canadians had experience with their warranty?
Just now looked for this topic as the 3 year warranty for my macbook pro is about to run out.
I saw this brief flashing once before fairly recently and it stopped after a few minutes to 1/2 hour or so.
Since my battery right now is just about empty, I wondered too if it might be related to low battery
and charger so I unplugged the mag-safe charger that had been plugged in for just a few minutes now
and sure enough, the blinking stopped. Plugged the mag safe back in again and it appears to
be OK again. So, it might be related to the charging algorithm of the charger and some voltage
and current spikes. This makes sense. So, then I saw TheMainEvent's posting here and I
believe he/she has got the right idea as well.
Hi Bob,
Thats a good observation, but I do not think the symptoms are standard across all the Macbook Pros. People are facing the issue with a multitude of symptoms, and also with varying frequency.
In my case it does not matter if the Macbook Pro is being run on battery, magsafe charger or the collective will power of the Green Lantern Corps the flicker will invariably be there.
MacBook Pro screen blinks