"Here is a crappy photo of the prob:
Boy, that reminds me of back when I had my old 17" PowerBook G4 1 GHz connected to my old Apple 23" Cinema HD Display via the DVI-to-ADC adapter. I used to disconnect/reconnect it a fair amount, until I started seeing a problem like this snow JPEG (except it was vertical, not horizontal). I had to press on the back corner of the PowerBook (near the DVI connector) to make it go away - even resorted to smacking it on occasion. That told me it was a loose connection in the DVI port (or the electronics behind it).
In short, folks, don't expect a software fix for this. I suspect it's a hardware problem endemic to either the mini DisplayPort adapter or something involving the nVIDIA 9400M/9600M as well.
Shame really - I was just about to buy a new Mac mini and connect it to my 30" Apple Cinema HD Display via this adapter, freeing up my present MacBook Pro to become mobile. Looks like I'll have to hold off on that until this adapter problem is solved 😟