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export with Imovie 09 to camcorder ? new feature or not ?

Does anyone knows if Imovie 09 is able to export to a camcorder as Imovie 06 did.

Impossible to find information about that in what I,ve seen.


iMac 24" 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.1), iMac 17 FP G4 800Mhz, Ibook 14 G4 1Ghz, Classic Color

Posted on Jan 9, 2009 4:03 PM

11 replies
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Jan 18, 2009 9:13 PM in response to AppleMan1958

How do you present your edited HD movie in your 50" HDTV Plasma or LCD?
Without a BluRay disc burner for the Mac the ONLY way is to export your edited movie back to your camera (mini DV, HD or flash memory based, it doesn't matter) and connect it to you HDTV. Also the exported mini DV tape (in my case) double works as a convenient and inexpensive Backup and also as my Master edited full HD digital tape until Apple give us a BluRay burner to make our movies in real HD discs.
I hope Apple will fix this mayor drawback in the new iMovie 09. Otherwise it still be unusable for me, keeping me stick in the old but full featured iMovie HD 06

Jan 19, 2009 2:49 AM in response to Jose Paulson

I suppose you could export your edit from iMovie08 or 09 as full HD AIC movie, and bring it to iMovieHD to export to camera. Quality will suffer a bit from iMovie08's forced deinterlacing+ recompression to AIC + re-encoding to HDV, but in the end you'll have hd video playable from your camera.

For better conservation of quality I would use Final Cut Pro and edit native HDV or use ProRes422 transcoding. iMovie08 still yields decent quality but it could be much better. I hope 09 would be better in this regard.

Jan 19, 2009 8:37 AM in response to Euisung Lee

Thanks Beverly and Euisung for your kind responses. I already own Toast 9 (that isn't an Apple product) but for real HD movies and BD you need to purchase additional software (Toast + extra BD codec) and hardware (third party BD burner). The purpose of my post was to get other Apple customers to push a little on Apple about our wish to use software (iMovie 09 in this case) and hardware (on new iMacs and MacBooks) made by Apple, fully compatible with the video format that is the winner of the "format war" for HD video: the BluRay standard. For me, the easiest and less expensive alternative is to export my edited movie to mini DV for viewing in HDTVs, storage and future use for burning BD disks.

Jan 19, 2009 9:22 AM in response to Jose Paulson

I don't think Apple will bring 'export to camera' to iMovie, because 'tape based camcorders' are quickly becoming a thing of past. It'd be useful for only handful of occasions.

I don't think Apple will support bluray anytime soon. Bluray may have won format war against HD-DVD, but it hasn't won the battle against DVD and digital download. Apple is betting heavily on digital download with iTunes and I think they are right to do so. If bluray emerges as real winner at the end perhaps iDVD will be upgraded to iBlu or something, but nobody yet knows if it'll be the next the DVD or SACD. :/

Jan 27, 2009 6:13 AM in response to Jose Paulson

I too am pretty pretty fed up that there is no facility to export edited footage back to tape on the camera. I didn't discover the problem until I had "upgraded" from the previous iMovieHD. I have a collection of edited movies on tape, but can't now add to them. Apple have taken a big step backward here. I have tried exporting my output to Final Cut Express, but I find it too complicated to use, and it does not take across iMovie titling etc, just the edited clips.

Jan 28, 2009 6:52 PM in response to p418unw

Hello, p418unw,
Welcome to the discussions. You will learn a lot here and should always browse or search when you are condsidering buying/adding new Apple apps. There was no ability to export to miniDV tapes on camcorder in Imovie 08 either.

You can download iMovie 6HD and use that to export to your camcorder's tapes.
Get it here: http://www.macrumors.com/2009/01/27/imovie-hd-6-no-longer-available-for-download /

You will need to export your iMovie 8 or 9 as QuickTime, using QT Pro to preserve the movie' s quality (click on High quality option), and then you can put that into a new iMovie 6 project and export to tape.

Have a look at David Babsky's Feb 16 2008 post here that says you can do this: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=6640379&#6640379

Also, further up in that thread is another of his posts from Jan 19 that shows/tells where to set the QT pro quality.

export with Imovie 09 to camcorder ? new feature or not ?

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