I apologizes but my formula behaves perfectly.
Of course it assumes that you _are running Numbers in English_ in a country where the _decimal separator is the period._
If you use Numbers in English in a country where the decimal separator is comma, you must replace commas by semi-colons in the formulas.
I wrote:
F2 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),1,1)
F3 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),1,2)
F4 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),1,3)
F5 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),1,4)
G2 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),2,1)
G3 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),2,2)
G4 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),2,3)
G5 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),2,4)
H2 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),3,1)
H3 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),3,2)
H4 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),3,3)
H5 =INDEX(TRANSPOSE($B$3:$D$6),3,4)
which are the formulas applying exactly what the Help describes.
In my lazy formula,
ROW()-ROW(A$1) is used to calculate the first parameter
COLUMN()-COLUMN($E1) is used to calculate the second parameter
in F2 the first parameter will be 1, the second will be 1
in F3 the first parameter will be 1, the second will be 2
in G2 the first parameter will be 2, the second will be 1
in G3 the first parameter will be 2, the second will be 2
As I wrote, it's a lazy one because it doesn't apply if the 1st cell of the transposed block is not F2
Here is an enhanced one
It works if the first cell is F2
If you want to get the transposed block starting in K12, just edit the formula this way:
Before the arrival of TRANSPOSE(), I used OFFSET() which, from my point of view, is easier to apply.
does the trick if the transposed block starts in $F$16.
Last not least, we may use my script entitled: transposeLive.
I post it here for the last time because it is available on my iDisk:
For_iWork:iWork '09:for_Numbers09:Transpose.zip
--[SCRIPT transposeLive]
Enregistrer le script en tant qu'Application ou Progiciel : transposeLive].app
déplacer l'application créée dans le dossier
Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
Merci à Scott Lindsey & Ed.Stockly du forum applescript-users@lists.apple.com
qui m'ont aidé à construire le code récupérant le bloc sélectionné.
Sélectionnez le bloc de cellules à transposer
menu Scripts > Numbers > transposeLive (exécute le script une première fois)
Le script récupère les informations utiles sur le bloc à transposer
Sélectionner la première cellule du bloc destination
(elle ne peut être dans le bloc source)
menu Scripts > Numbers > transposeLive (exécute le script une deuxième fois)
Il insère des formules récupérant le contenu du bloc transposé.
Les modifications au contenu du bloc source seront répercutées.
Save the script as an Application or an Application Bundle: transposeLive].app
Move the newly created application into the folder:
<startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
Thanks to Scott Lindsey & Ed.Stockly from applescript-users@lists.apple.com
which helped me to build the code grabbing the selected range.
Select a group of cells.
menu Scripts > Numbers > transposeLive (Run the script once.)
It grabs infos about the selection
select the first cell of the destination
(can't be in the source range)
menu Scripts > Numbers > transposeLive (Run the script one more time.
It will insert formulas grabbing the transposed range.
Changes in the source one will be reflected.
Yvan KOENIG (Vallauris, FRANCE)
19 janvier 2009
property theApp : "Numbers"
property sourceCell : missing value
property sourceTable : missing value
property sourceSheet : missing value
property nbRows : missing value
property nbColumns : missing value
on run
set firstPass to sourceCell = missing value
if firstPass then (*
Here we are in the first pass.
We grab infos about the source range *)
set {rName, sourceTable, sourceSheet, dName} to my getSelection()
if rName is missing value then error "No selected cells"
set twoNames to my decoupe(rName, ":")
if sourceTable does not start with "'" then set sourceTable to "'" & sourceTable & "'"
if sourceSheet does not start with "'" then set sourceSheet to "'" & sourceSheet & "'"
set sourceCell to item 1 of twoNames
set {colNum1, rowNum1} to my decipher(item 1 of twoNames)
if item 2 of twoNames = item 1 of twoNames then
set {colNum2, rowNum2} to {colNum1, rowNum1}
set {colNum2, rowNum2} to my decipher(item 2 of twoNames)
end if
set nbRows to rowNum2 + 1 - rowNum1
set nbColumns to colNum2 + 1 - colNum1
else --****************
Here we are in the second pass
We insert formulas grabbing the transposed cells *)
set deci to character 2 of (0.5 as text)
if deci is "." then
set delim to ","
set delim to ";"
end if
set p2lproj to my getLproj("Numbers")
set OFFSET_loc to my getLocalizedFuncName(p2lproj, "OFFSET")
--set ADDRESS_loc to my getLocalizedFuncName(p2lproj, "ADDRESS")
--set INDIRECT_loc to my getLocalizedFuncName(p2lproj, "INDIRECT")
set {rName, tName, sName, dName} to my getSelection()
if rName is missing value then error "No selected cells"
set twoNames to my decoupe(rName, ":")
set {colNum1, rowNum1} to my decipher(item 1 of twoNames)
if item 2 of twoNames = item 1 of twoNames then
set {colNum2, rowNum2} to {colNum1, rowNum1}
set {colNum2, rowNum2} to my decipher(item 2 of twoNames)
end if
(* Here we know the starting point of the destination area. *)
tell application "Numbers"
tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
set rowsCible to (get row count)
set rowsNeeded to rowsCible - 1 + nbColumns
if rowsNeeded > rowsCible then
repeat (rowsNeeded - rowsCible) times
add row below row rowsCible
end repeat
end if -- rowsNeeded
set columnsCible to (get column count)
set columnsNeeded to columnsCible - 1 + nbRows
if columnsNeeded > columnsCible then
repeat (columnsNeeded - columnsCible) times
add column after column columnsCible
end repeat
end if -- columnsNeeded
repeat with i from 1 to nbRows
repeat with j from 1 to nbColumns
set value of cell (colNum1 - 1 + i) of row (rowNum1 - 1 + j) to "=" & OFFSET_loc & "(" & sourceSheet & " :: " & sourceTable & " :: " & sourceCell & delim & i - 1 & delim & j - 1 & ")"
end repeat
end repeat
end tell -- table of sheet of document
end tell -- Application
set sourceCell to missing value
set sourceTable to missing value
set sourceSheet to missing value
set nbRows to missing value
set nbColumns to missing value
end if
end run
on getSelection()
local mySelectedRanges, sheetRanges, thisRange, _, myRange, myTable, mySheet, myDoc, mySelection
tell application "Numbers"
tell document 1
set mySelectedRanges to selection range of every table of every sheet whose it is not missing value
repeat with sheetRanges in mySelectedRanges
count of sheetRanges
on error
set sheetRanges to {sheetRanges}
end try
repeat with thisRange in sheetRanges
if contents of thisRange is not missing value then
--return thisRange --poorly formed result
thisRange as text
on error errMsg number errNum
set {_, myRange, _, myTable, _, mySheet, _, myDoc} to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
--set mySelection to (a reference to (range rn of table tn of sheet sn))
return {myRange, myTable, mySheet, myDoc}
end try
end if -- contents…
end repeat -- thisRange
end repeat -- sheetRanges
end tell -- document 1
end tell -- application
return {missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value}
end getSelection
on decipher(n)
local letters, colNum, rowNum
if (character 2 of n) as text > "9" then
set colNum to (offset of (character 1 of n) in letters) * 64 + (offset of (character 2 of n) in letters)
set rowNum to (text 3 thru -1 of n) as integer
set colNum to offset of (character 1 of n) in letters
set rowNum to (text 2 thru -1 of n) as integer
end if
return {colNum, rowNum}
end decipher
on decoupe(t, d)
local l
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
set l to text items of t
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return l
end decoupe
on getLproj(a)
local lprojs, localId, lproj
set lprojs to {{"da_DK", "da.lproj"}, {"nl_NL", "Dutch.lproj"}, {"en_US", "English.lproj"}, {"fi_FI", "fi.lproj"}, {"fr_FR", "French.lproj"}, {"de_DE", "German.lproj"}, {"it_IT", "Italian.lproj"}, {"ja_JP", "Japanese.lproj"}, {"ko_KR", "ko.lproj"}, {"no_NO", "no.lproj"}, {"pl_PL", "pl.lproj"}, {"pt_BR", "pt.lproj"}, {"pt_PT", "pt_PT.lproj"}, {"ru_RU", "ru.lproj"}, {"es_ES", "Spanish.lproj"}, {"sv_SE", "sv.lproj"}, {"zf_CN", "zh_CN.lproj"}, {"zh_TW", "zh_TW.lproj"}}
set localId to my getLocale(a, "http://support.apple.com/en_US/manuals/#iwork")
set localId to text (1 + (count of "http://support.apple.com/")) thru -1 of localId
set localId to text 1 thru ((offset of "/" in localId) - 1) of localId
set lproj to ""
repeat with i from 1 to count of lprojs
if localId is item 1 of item i of lprojs then
set lproj to item 2 of item i of lprojs
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if lproj = "" then error "A Frameworks file is missing !"
return (path to application support as text) & "iWork '09:Frameworks:SFTabular.framework:Versions:A:Resources:" & lproj
end getLproj
on getLocale(a, x)
tell application a to return localized string x
end getLocale
on getLocalizedFuncName(f, x)
return localized string x from table "Localizable" in bundle file f
end getLocalizedFuncName
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 25 janvier 2009 13:41:45)