Apple macbook air hinge defect -closing lid is considered accidental damage
Is closing the screen normal operations of the macbook air?
my apple air has a defect with the hinge. could apple please change your policy to accept hinge as warrant on apple air models
purchased my air 28/2/2008 from Sydney Broadway apple shop. I think this was the first day they got delivery in Sydney.
Last week when closing the screen, it was about half way down, it made a crack noise, and the hinge moved. (see photo from link below)
I have been to two apple care centres in Saigon, Vietnam this week. Spoke to apple in singapore and usa. They all told me i broke it and the damage is accidental. Offically on paper it was "it might be accidental damage, warranty repair declined"
Many people have had this problem, mostly in USA.
Below is the link to a post i made on the problem. It has a photo of my laptop hinge, it is not as bad as others, because i stopped using the air as soon as it happened lem/
some more links to more of the same problem html
Regards Christiaan Hunter
PS. Apple Air is the BEST laptop yet for me personally. light, 13" screen, full size keyboard, multitouch huge touch pad, nice casing, no dvd player and osx
I have owned these laptops:
compact portable iii
dell latitude d600
toshiba portege 3500 tablet
fujitsu lifebook p7010
motion ls800 tablet
apple macbook air
Macbook Air, Mac OS X (10.5.5)