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[IPhone] Interface Builder crashes and missing font

I just installed 10.5.6 and the latest IPhone SDK, but IB crashes when opening any xib file. If I can get past the initial crash by hitting continue, but adding any control to any empty view crashes with missing font. Even sample code provided by apple crashes. Also crashes if I sent SDK to older version.

IBUIViewImageRequester failed to rasterize a UISearchBar.

Exception name: NSInternalInconsistencyException
Exception reason: [NOTE: this exception originated in the server.]
Invalid parameter not satisfying: font != nil
Exception backtrace:
0. CoreFoundation 0x9620d10b _NSExceptionSetRubyToken
1. libobjc.A.dylib 0x9674fe3b objc exceptionthrow
2. CoreFoundation 0x9620ceeb [NSException copyWithZone:]
3. Foundation 0x93e8e6a4 [NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:]
4. UIKit 0x30b4ae0b [UILabel setFont:]
5. UIKit 0x30b496e2 [UILabel _commonInit]
6. UIKit 0x30b49803 [UILabel initWithFrame:]
7. UIKit 0x30ab94ae [UITextField createTextLabelWithTextColor:]

Anyone having this issue or know of a fix?

2.33 GHZ Intel Core DUO, Mac OS X (10.5.6)

Posted on Feb 8, 2009 6:28 AM

8 replies

Apr 24, 2009 12:00 AM in response to engenus

Some similar cases reported in this forum were solved by cleaning out an older version of the SDK. That might work for you if you installed over any previous version of the SDK (even if it was only for OS/X). You'll want to uninstall as much as you can, new and old. Then rename the Developer folder so the next installation will make a new one. Your objective should be to prepare your Mac for a clean install, as if it had never hosted any development software in the past. After you've hosed out as much as you can, install the SDK again. Of course, by "latest" SDK I'm assuming you don't mean the 3.0 beta.

That said, I'm only guessing based on similar reports. I've never seen your particular stack trace before, so you might want to put off all the work I'm recommending for a day or two to see if someone else recognizes your specific problem.

Apr 24, 2009 12:14 AM in response to RayNewbie

Thanks for the quick response.
I will try your suggestion.
My Error Report is:

Assertion Message: Interface Builder encountered an error communicating with the iPhone Simulator. If you choose to file a crash report or radar for this issue, please check for crash reports for "Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool" and include their content in your crash report.

IBUIViewImageRequester failed to rasterize a UINavigationBar, UINavigationItem, UIToolbar, UIBarButtonItem, UITabBar, UITabBarItem, UITabBarItem, UISearchBar, and UILabel.

Exception name: NSRangeException
Exception reason: [NOTE: this exception originated in the server.]
* -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (1) beyond bounds (1)
Exception backtrace:
0. CoreFoundation 0x918d814b _NSExceptionSetRubyToken
1. libobjc.A.dylib 0x957b1e3b objc exceptionthrow
2. CoreFoundation 0x918d7f2b [NSException copyWithZone:]
3. CoreFoundation 0x918d7f6a [NSException copyWithZone:]
4. Foundation 0x949babbf [NSValue pointValue]
5. Foundation 0x94938548 [NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]
6. Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool 0x0000b072 [IBCocoaTouchToolObjectPackage customClasses]
7. Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool 0x0000b3c2 [IBCocoaTouchToolObjectPackage initWithData:]
8. Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool 0x0000a8ef [UISegmentedControl initWithMarshalledValues:orderedKeys:marshallerClassNames:andMarshallerInstanti ationContexts:]
9. Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool 0x00003509 [IBCocoaTouchTool produceImageForRequest:]
10. Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool 0x00002b06 [IBCocoaTouchTool produceImagesForRequests:]
11. CoreFoundation 0x918dda7d CF_forwarding_prep0
12. CoreFoundation 0x918dd468 [NSInvocation invoke]
13. CoreFoundation 0x918dd538 [NSInvocation invokeWithTarget:]
14. CoreFoundation 0x918dd9aa [NSInvocation debugDescription]
15. CoreFoundation 0x918dda12 CF_forwarding_prep0
16. CoreFoundation 0x918dda7d CF_forwarding_prep0
17. CoreFoundation 0x918dd468 [NSInvocation invoke]
18. Foundation 0x9497b154 [NSConnection dispatchInvocation:]
19. Foundation 0x94979107 [NSConnection handleRequest:sequence:]
20. Foundation 0x9497894d [NSConnection handlePortCoder:]
21. Foundation 0x9497847e [NSConcretePortCoder dispatch]
22. Foundation 0x94977be3 [NSDOStreamData bytes]
23. CoreFoundation 0x9183a635 CFMachPortInvalidate
24. CoreFoundation 0x9185e908 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
25. CoreFoundation 0x9185ecf8 CFRunLoopRunInMode
26. Foundation 0x94972135 [NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:]
27. Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool 0x00003000 [IBCocoaTouchTool startServingForPortName:]
28. Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool 0x0000371b [IBCocoaTouchTool produceImageForRequest:]
29. Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool 0x000028ba mh_executeheader
Exception info:{

0. Interface Builder 0x00004d29 [IBApplication handleAssertion:inFile:onLine:]
1. IBCocoaTouchPlugin 0x16008361 [IBAssertionShim reportMarshallingFailure:]
2. Foundation 0x9493e75c [NSRunLoop getCFRunLoop]
3. CoreFoundation 0x9185e615 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
4. CoreFoundation 0x9185ecf8 CFRunLoopRunInMode
5. HIToolbox 0x9202e480 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
6. HIToolbox 0x9202e1d2 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
7. HIToolbox 0x9202e10d BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
8. AppKit 0x934373ed _DPSNextEvent
9. AppKit 0x93436ca0 [NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
10. Interface Builder 0x0000276b [IBApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
11. AppKit 0x93673d5b [NSApplication _realDoModalLoop:peek:]
12. AppKit 0x9366e499 [NSApplication runModalForWindow:]
13. InterfaceBuilderKit 0x00382511 [IBDetailedAlert runModal]
14. Interface Builder 0x00004dd6 [IBApplication handleAssertion:inFile:onLine:]
15. IBCocoaTouchPlugin 0x16008361 [IBAssertionShim reportMarshallingFailure:]
16. Foundation 0x9493e75c [NSRunLoop getCFRunLoop]
17. CoreFoundation 0x9185e615 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
18. CoreFoundation 0x9185ecf8 CFRunLoopRunInMode
19. HIToolbox 0x9202e480 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
20. HIToolbox 0x9202e1d2 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
21. HIToolbox 0x9202e10d BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
22. AppKit 0x934373ed _DPSNextEvent
23. AppKit 0x93436ca0 [NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
24. Interface Builder 0x0000276b [IBApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
25. AppKit 0x93673d5b [NSApplication _realDoModalLoop:peek:]
26. AppKit 0x9366e499 [NSApplication runModalForWindow:]
27. InterfaceBuilderKit 0x00382511 [IBDetailedAlert runModal]
28. Interface Builder 0x00004dd6 [IBApplication handleAssertion:inFile:onLine:]
29. IBCocoaTouchPlugin 0x16008361 [IBAssertionShim reportMarshallingFailure:]
30. Foundation 0x9493e75c [NSRunLoop getCFRunLoop]
31. CoreFoundation 0x9185e615 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
32. CoreFoundation 0x9185ecf8 CFRunLoopRunInMode
33. HIToolbox 0x9202e480 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
34. HIToolbox 0x9202e1d2 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
35. HIToolbox 0x9202e10d BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
36. AppKit 0x934373ed _DPSNextEvent
37. AppKit 0x93436ca0 [NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
38. Interface Builder 0x0000276b [IBApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
39. AppKit 0x93673d5b [NSApplication _realDoModalLoop:peek:]
40. AppKit 0x9366e499 [NSApplication runModalForWindow:]
41. InterfaceBuilderKit 0x00382511 [IBDetailedAlert runModal]
42. Interface Builder 0x00004dd6 [IBApplication handleAssertion:inFile:onLine:]
43. IBCocoaTouchPlugin 0x16008361 [IBAssertionShim reportMarshallingFailure:]
44. Foundation 0x9493e75c [NSRunLoop getCFRunLoop]
45. CoreFoundation 0x9185e615 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
46. CoreFoundation 0x9185ecf8 CFRunLoopRunInMode
47. HIToolbox 0x9202e480 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
48. HIToolbox 0x9202e1d2 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
49. HIToolbox 0x9202e10d BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
50. AppKit 0x934373ed _DPSNextEvent
51. AppKit 0x93436ca0 [NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
52. Interface Builder 0x0000276b [IBApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
53. AppKit 0x9342fcdb [NSApplication run]
54. AppKit 0x933fcf14 NSApplicationMain
55. Interface Builder 0x00004eca [IBApplication changeInspectorMode:]

Apr 24, 2009 1:24 AM in response to yuvalkesten

Hi yuvalkesten - I don't understand your crash report, but now that it's posted maybe someone else will be able to tell us what's going on. Your problem seems to be different from what engenus reported, and my advice to him may be less likely to help in your case. Still, if your system is ok, there are few problems that a good clean install won't fix, so yes, it's certainly worth a try.

Apr 24, 2009 3:55 AM in response to engenus

Now it's working.
1. Uninstalled the previous SDK using sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all from the terminal.
2. Changed the name of the Developer dir.
3. Changed my time zone to USA and my language to English from Hebrew.
4. Installed the 10.5.6 combo update from Apple's site.
5. Restarted
6. Reinstalled the SDK

I don't know which of this steps did the magic.

Thanks Ray!

May 3, 2009 8:22 AM in response to yuvalkesten

Yuval thanks

I had the same problem and until I removed the old 'Developer' directory and renamed the new one nothing helped (including several installs).

BTW - I found that it still created some samples directories under 'Developer' even with the new directory in place but at least now it's working.
Do you also have the default directory 'recreated' for you?


Jul 21, 2009 2:33 AM in response to yuvalkesten

Hey yuvalkesten ,

Not a quick reply, but I ran into this same problem two days ago and spent all night and all day rebuilding my /Developer directory (3 times; it hung for some reason 75% through the 2nd time), and also uninstalling developer-tools twice.

In my case, and possibly yours, did you happen to have any non-english characters in your directory path? I had my /Developer directory on an external disk named "Olórin" which is a name of a wizard from The Lord of The Rings. The "option-e o" character showed up in the path as "o%C3%85%C3%85", which I, of course, ignored and typed the correct path and saw that the font cache file was indeed there and readable.

That ONE crash log entry among hundreds of lines of log messages was the key to solving it.

To test it, I changed the disk name to "Olorin" and Interface Builder worked just fine!

Yay! ! ! But I lost 2 whole days tracking this down. At least I can start fresh tomorrow!


[IPhone] Interface Builder crashes and missing font

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