In a given theme, the default fonts are defined in a file whose complete pathname resemble to this one:
Macintosh HD:Applications:iWork '
Here is the path for the theme named
"Black_8x6.kth" in its
French version.
The file contents is:
Series2" = "Series_2";
"STYLE_None" = "Aucun";
Series5" = "Series_5";
Series3" = "Series_3";
"FONT_LucidaGrande" =
"FONT_Helvetica" =
"STYLE_Free Form" = "Format libre";
Series1" = "Series_1";
"FONT_GillSans" =
"STYLE_Normal" = "Normal";
Series0" = "Series_0";
"FONT_MarkerFelt-Thin" =
Series4" = "Series_4";
If you edit the underlined font names you will change the default fonts accordingly.
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 5 mai 2009 22:07:28)