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How to organize music in ipod classic exactly as in PC


I have created my own music folders in computers.
For example: 3 of my folders are:
Fav Songs08, Fav Songs89, Fav Songs90

These folders contains my favorite songs for year 08, 89 and 90 respectively.
Now when I import these songs into ipod classic through itunes, I can't see my 3 folders: rather it sorts music by artist, genre, and so on....
But I would like to see exactly same folder on my ipod classic. for example, if I want to play my favorite songs from 08, I should be able to go to folder Fav songs08 in my ipod and play the songs. I am not able to do it so far. I have tried a lot and spent lot of time on it.
is there is any way or workaround?

Thanks a lot for all your help!

Take care!

HP, Windows Vista, 64 bit

Posted on Mar 26, 2009 8:52 PM

12 replies

Mar 26, 2009 9:06 PM in response to luckyguy0007

When you say you created "folders," I'm first assuming you mean you created playlists in iTunes. If so, find those playlists on the iPod.

If you mean the songs are actually stored on your computer in folders called "Fav Songs08, Fav Songs89, Fav Songs90," then make playlists in iTunes with those same names, and put the relevant songs into each playlist. Then sync the iPod and look for those playlists.

If you don't know what I'm talking about when I say "playlist," please post back

Mar 26, 2009 9:21 PM in response to Kenichi Watanabe

Thanks a lot Kenichi,

I mean the 2nd ..."songs are actually stored on your computer in folders called "Fav Songs08, Fav Songs89, Fav Songs90,"
does it mean I have to create playlist for every folder?
is there any workaround or automatic way? I have approx 1200 folders and it would be very cumbersome to make playlist for each one of them.

Thanks again!!!

Mar 26, 2009 9:32 PM in response to luckyguy0007

The organization in iTunes is by the song's tags, in other words by artist, album, genre, etc., and by playlists (which you create yourself). The physical location of the files is not relevant.

But you seem to be somewhat new to iTunes, so you should check a few things.

By default, iTunes stores the music files in the +iTunes Music+ folder, first in subfolders by +artist name+ and then in sub-subfolders by +album name+. If you did not change the default iTunes settings in preferences, iTunes may have copied your music files into the +iTunes Music+ folder instead of using the files from where you currently have them stored in those folders. They will still be there in those folders, but iTunes may have created another copy in the +iTunes Music+ folder.

So spot check a few songs by right clicking on a song in your library list, then selecting +Get Info+. At the bottom of the Summary tab, where is says Where, you will see the path to the file. Make sure it is where you expect it to be (and not in the +iTunes Music+ folder).

Please post back to confirm the song files are actually being accessed from those special folders.

Mar 26, 2009 10:35 PM in response to luckyguy0007

If I copy all my folders from my local drive to C:.....\iTunes\iTunes Music then will it show in ipod by those folder names?

Well, no, unfortunately.

But before going further, you need to decide if you want iTunes to use the copy it made in the +iTunes Music+ folder, or if you want iTunes to use the music files from your specially organized folders. As it stands now, your special folders are being ignored, and I think you have a second copy of all of your music files taking up space on your computer's hard drive.

In the long run, it may be best organize the files the iTunes way, and keep your songs organized the way you want in iTunes, using playlists. There are also special playlist you can create, called +Smart Playlist+, that are very useful.

So please post back to state if you want to use the iTunes-organized files and folders in the +iTunes Music+ folder, or if you want iTunes to use the music files from your specially organized folders. I have some tips to help do what you want, either way.

Mar 26, 2009 11:11 PM in response to luckyguy0007

In that case, it is probably easiest to "start over" with iTunes, because all of your current songs in your iTunes library are linked to the files in your +iTunes Music+ folder. Did you add anything new, such as ripping a music CD or downloading songs from the iTunes Store, since you originally added the song files (the ones from your music folders) to iTunes?

If not, and EVERYTHING in your iTunes library is duplicated in your (currently not used) music folders, select everything in your iTunes Music library listing (you can do a +Select All+ from the menu). Hit delete to remove everything. iTunes will ask you if you want to also delete the files in your +iTunes Music+ folder. If you have confirmed that the files are duplicated in your music folders, tell iTunes to delete them. (If you want to play it safe, you can tell iTunes to keep the files and deal with them later.)

If there are new items in your iTunes library that are not duplicated in your music folders, then delete everything else from your iTunes Music library. This will leave you with only the new stuff in your iTunes Music library listing, and all the songs that are in your music folders will be gone.

Now, you need to change settings in iTunes preferences. Open iTunes preferences and go to the Advanced tab. Below where it says +iTunes Music folder location+, there are two checkboxes. The first one says +Keep iTunes Music folder organized+. This one organizes the song files by artist and then by album, for songs stored in the +iTunes Music+ folder. You can keep this one checked. Then, the second one says +Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library+. Uncheck this one, because this is the option that caused iTunes to make a separate copy of your music files in the +iTunes Music+ folder, and link the songs in your iTunes library to the copy in the +iTunes Music+ folder.

I'll continue, but I'll post the above first.

Mar 26, 2009 11:39 PM in response to luckyguy0007

So the next part is to add the songs back, this time without making a copy for the +iTunes Music+ folder. iTunes will also link the songs added to your iTunes library to the songs files in your organized music folders. But instead of adding them all at once, you can try the following to organize them into playlists, +as you go+.

Run iTunes. Create a new playlist (click the plus sign at the bottom left corner of the iTunes window). Name the playlist +Fav Songs 08+ and select it in the iTunes sidebar; the right side of the window should show the empty listing.

Open a Windows Explorer window that shows the FavSongs08 folder (the folder not the contents). Drag the folder to the iTunes window and drop it onto the currently empty playlist listing for +Fav Songs 08+.

iTunes should import all the songs it finds in that folder into your iTunes library. The songs will appear in the playlist. They will also appear in your main iTunes music library.

Repeat for any other music folder you have that you want represented as a playlist in iTunes, creating a new playlist for each one.

Now, you probably don't want to repeat this 1200+ times. But I don't think you want to scroll through 1200+ playlists on your iPod either. So decide which folders you want as playlists, and import those songs first. Then, to import everything else, open a Windows Explorer window that shows the folder that contains ALL of your music folders. In iTunes, select Music in the sidebar under LIBRARY to show your main music library listing. Drag and drop the folder with all your music folders onto the main library listing. iTunes will add everything else (not already added) to your music library. The files previously added through playlists will not be duplicated, because they are already in your music library.

It still may be tedious, but it won't be quite as bad as having to recreate those playlists one song at a time, manually. Once you are done, sync your iPod and use those playlists.

Mar 27, 2009 2:10 AM in response to luckyguy0007

Now when I import these songs into ipod classic through itunes, I can't see my 3 folders: rather it sorts music by artist, genre, and so on....
But I would like to see exactly same folder on my ipod classic. for example, if I want to play my favorite songs from 08, I should be able to go to folder Fav songs08 in my ipod and play the songs. I am not able to do it so far. I have tried a lot and spent lot of time on it.
is there is any way or workaround?

Just so you aware, the iPod classic is capable of storing and viewing folders (whereas older iPods were not), and once auto synced from iTunes to the iPod (you cannot do this manually) they should be viewable under the playlist menu.

For instance I have a folder named 60's Music. Within that folder are several playlists. When viewed on the iPod via the playlist menu, I see the main folder (60's Music), then when I select that folder I see the playlists contained within it.

Once you have all your music organized the way you like it in iTunes, create your folder in iTunes from the "file/new playlist folder" menu then click on that folder and create a playlist from the "file/new playlist" menu. The new playlist appears under the folder you just created. Add songs to the playlist (not the folder).

Now, when you auto sync your iPod that folder/playlist should appear under the playlist menu exactly as it does in iTunes.

Mar 27, 2009 3:35 AM in response to Jeff Bryan

The "folder" being referred to here, in the original post, are actual folders (as in directories) on the computer's hard drive, where the music files are stored (and organized in this case as one would use playlists in iTunes).

I had to get clarification about that, before I understood the real question being asked... 🙂

But it is a good point that after you convert the actual music folder content organization (on the hard drive) into playlists, and you can further organize those playlists into +playlist folders+ in iTunes.

Mar 27, 2009 10:42 PM in response to luckyguy0007

I realized after I wrote those instructions that you can add ALL of your music files to your iTunes music library first, then create your playlists. So if get tired of making those playlists, you can add all of the music files to your iTunes library at one time (when you get to a good break point with the playlists). Then later on, you can continue to make your +organized music folder+ playlists the same way. Since the song files are already in your iTunes music library, they will not be added to your main library a second time. But iTunes will still add the songs to the playlist, when you drag and drop the music folder to its playlist.

How to organize music in ipod classic exactly as in PC

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