Can anyone explain to me how to make page borders on the Pages program? I typed it into help, but it only told me how to make borders for paragraphs. In Word it was under "Format" Borders adn there were lots of choices of great borders there - both lines and graphics.
I have a mutli-page document and want a nice looking border that will automatically put itself onto all the pages in the document.
There is no command to place a border on a page. However, it is quite easy to
draw a border. Set your margins and then resize the Pages document window so you can see the entire page. Under the view menu, select 'Show Layout' and 'Show Rulers'. Now insert a rectangle or rounded rectangle shape, resize and move it as you like. Open the inspector and select the Graphics tab. Select the background and line colors, etc. Under the Arrange menu, select 'Send Objects to Background' and you'll probably also want to select 'Lock'. You might also want to capture the page (Format > Advanced > Capture) if you intend to make a multi-page document.
Yes, this is a bit more involved than Word but it isn't that big a deal. I've created a template with about 10 different border styles and I pull it out whenever I need it.
I tried your suggestion, and I was able to create a border, but when I went to "Arrange" I was unable to select "Send Objects to Background". I tried and tried! When I tried to type inside the border , the typing just replaced the border....
Read +Changing the Style of Borders+ p161 of the
Pages09_UserGuide.pdf downloadable from under the
Help menu, to get a better grasp of what is going on.
I was able to create a border, but when I went to "Arrange" I was unable to select "Send Objects to Background".
You have to be in a Word Processing document to be able to send it to the background: in Page Layout it remains a selectable object but you should be able to select it and then start typing to treat it as a text box.
Pages has 2 modes, WP and Page Layout. I'm sorry, I should have mentioned I was describing the WP mode but it sounded that's what you were doing to begin with. If you were in WP mode there is one thing you might have missed. To put an object into the background it has to be selected.
If you are in Page Layout mode you aren't going to put anything into the background. After you've set the border in place and locked it, you'll want to insert a text box. Page Layout mode is a totally blank slate where you place everything exactly where you want it. So lay down the border, then lay down a text box - leave about a 1 inch margin on all sides to simulate a word processor page. Lock that down and then you can begin typing.
True, but it is a single border with a 90º angle corner and to control how close the text comes to it you have to change the margin which is done in points. By using a shape you can have a rounded corner as well as create art deco style borders by putting on atop another. Much more flexible.
You can certainly create more effects by layering shapes but for the O.P. as a starting point just applying them to the text box is a good starting point. Insetting text is not an obstacle, although it is comparatively more clumsy than other DTP apps.