Brian Sieman wrote:
thanks for the insightful reply..
You're most welcome.
i'm looking at this setup: h
with the hand held and wireless monitor. There is at the bottom of that page a wireless router, would that help my situation? i do have a lynksys wireless gaming adaptor/router, would this work? then i'd download the software that was mentioned?
again, sorry for the questions that i'm sure are pretty elementary, but i do appreciate your help.
For those of us (me included,) who is not expert in wireless internet security monitoring, my strongest suggestion is that you discuss your needs with your Apple retailer. He will know which questions to ask about your system, what iPhone connectivity is possible, and exactly what you need to accomplish. Based on that discussion, your local retailer should be able to offer you the best and lowest cost solution that requires the fewest (sometimes costly) additions to your existing system. Moreover, he can offer local help with total system wireless network expansion and internet connections that may be more complex than you presently contemplate. In short, based on the questions in your latest post, I suggest you approach this problem with a local supplier. However, here follows my thoughts on your posted question.
While the device in the link you posted will likely provide useful monitoring while within range of its wireless transmitter, I doubt that it will be compatible with remote viewing via internet when you are away. Rather than guessing at its capability, if you want to pursue this particular approach further, I suggest that you contact the seller and ask him whether this product (or perhaps another that he sells) will do
exactly what you want and whether he will guarantee that it will perform
your intended purpose. The best information on these technology solutions should come from the people who sell and support it.
After you have checked out the monitor you are considering, you might also want to call the EvoCam people and talk with them to verify that their product can provide the functions you need, even if not in exactly the
manner that you initially contemplated. Unless you are determined to use one particular brand, comparing the approaches offered by different vendors may give you additional and valuable options of which you are presently unaware.
If you need more info before discussing your needs with a potential supplier, we will try to offer detailed responses to your specific questions.
EZ Jim
G5 DP 1.8GHz w/Mac OS X (10.5.7) PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11) iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9) External iSight