Car1son \[note spelling with a numeral 1 ] may have revamped his website. It now includes setup guides for lots of routers.
A variant of the illustrated OS 9 to OS X guide is here, at this writing:
(delete everything after car1son to get his home page)
early 10.6 had a File Sharing bug that was fixed about 10.6.2. When fixed, it could File Share back to all the TCP/IP-capable Macs (including OS 9, if configured correctly).
A variant of Open Door Software ShareWayIP was the stuff included to make OS 9 share via IP. They say can be retrofit into Legacy Macs as old as 7, probably 7.5.3.
AppleTalk File Sharing dropped out at 10.4.
But any Mac running 7.5.3 plus a few little updates can get the "Server IP Address" button to appear in its Chooser > AppleShare ... window so that it can share Other Mac's files via IP, although it cannot share its own files with more modern Mac's via IP without SharewayIP (or OS 9).
10.5 was the last Mac OS X to support AppleTalk Printing. To use a LocalTalk-only Printer (with no other ports, such as the LaserWriter 4/600 PS) under 10.6 , you need to set it up as a Printer on a 10.5 or older Mac and SHARE it back onto the rest of the Network, where it will appear as an IP or Bonjour Printer as long as the older Mac is powered on.
To print from OS 9, you can use Desktop Printing which creates a "Virtual Printer" or "Print Queue" that forwards to an IP Printer.
If that did not answer your question, please ask again.