Hi EZ Jim,
I have only used an external camera with my MacBook Pro.
To be more precise I have only done this with one camera at a time in addition to the Internal one.
I have used a Firewire DV Converter to get an analogue CamCorder pic in to both Photo Booth and iChat and a USB 2.0 UVC Compliant camera pic as input.
In both cases Photo Booth defaulted to the external camera, hence my comments in the other thread about "any external Camera" should have Photo Booth's attention if it is plugged in.
If you have come across differently I will bow to the experience.
I would ask how the Screen Camera connect to the computer and does it show in System Profiler ?
10:02 PM Friday; August 7, 2009
Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"