For me, the problem starts with Safari.
I went in as root, and deleted Safari and replaced it with the same version from my MacBook. That version had been freshly installed on the switch-over to lion, and not updated a zillion times.
And bingo, I got a nice sharp icon.
Here's where it gets weird. I decided to do a "diff" on the 5.1.3 (old, blurry version) and the new (not blurry) version, so I temporarily added the old version back in a different folder. (The difference seems to primarily be in line ending types in the info.plist)
Well, somehow that "older 5.1.3" got launched... and bingo: the blurry icon came back.. even with the "new" safari copy.
But then I noticed this extreme oddity / clue:
I have 588 items in my root-level applications folder.
I view that folder (and all of my folders) as a list. I just now decided to view it as icons, to see how the Safari icon looked. (Fuzzy again.)
But here's the extreme oddity:
Every application icon -after- safari was blurry too! (Only generic folder icons were sharp.)
My icons are arranged by name.
Several hundred icons (from A to Saa) before Safari in the view-by-icon window are sharp and behaving properly.
Every icon after safari (except folders) is rendered from the smaller size: blurry.
Now what does THAT mean?