O.K., I think I may have figured out what's so unusual about my system that's causing or contributing to the issue. I have several folders full of thousands of images -- stock images, Photoshop images, etc.: I build websites for a living -- one of which I keep in the dock. Until recently, I used Graphic Converter to browse and open these images. Graphic Converter's browse window adds custom icons and large preview thumbnails to every image it finds. In my case that amounted to tens of thousands of custom icons. I never connected it to the issue at hand because it wasn't
those icons that were blurred under Snow Leopard; rather, it was random application and document icons.
As some of you may know, however, adding custom icons and fixed-size previews to files has an annoying side-effect under Snow Leopard and Leopard: it causes the Finder's own extra-large previews not to work. So I finally got sick of it and used
CocoThumbX to remove all of the custom icons and previews from all of the image files in the folder I use most frequently: the one I keep in the dock.
Ever since that purge my icons are crisp, even when I do things that once triggered the issue 100% of the time in the past, such as download new programs.
I realize we've all proposed slightly different methods of how best to trigger the issue, but do all of us by chance have docked folders full of hundreds (or thousands) of files with custom icons and/or previews?