What is the best way to slow down a finished track without changing tempo? The song has vocals and guitar parts and I'd like to preserve their pitch but slow the whole thing down by about 5%-10%.
Thanks. I have seen Time & Pitch Machine but I'm not sure how I use it? Do I select the whole region (the stereo track in this case - the whole song) and then choose "Process and paste". I don't seem to notice it working?
If you´re using Logic 9 try the varispeed function. Here is a quote from the L9 manual:
Using Varispeed to Alter Playback Speed and Pitch
You can use the Varispeed mode to speed up or slow down a project between −50% and
+100%—which equals between 50% and 200% of the original tempo.
Note: Varispeed affects the entire project, not just the flex-enabled audio tracks.
Varispeed provides a way to speed up or slow down the entire project, similar to the
original varispeed feature of tape machines. The most practical use for this option is
checking how a project might sound at a faster or slower tempo, and for practicing and/or
recording a performance at a lower speed.
To turn Varispeed mode on or off
μ Click the Varispeed button in the Transport bar (or use the Toggle Varispeed key
When enabled, the Varispeed button and display glow orange.
Note: If you don’t see the Varispeed button and display, Control-click the Transport bar,
choose Customize Transport Bar from the shortcut menu, and select the Varispeed
checkbox in the Display section.
The Varispeed mode has the following controls:
• Varispeed button: Turns Varispeed mode on or off.
• Varispeed display and pop-up menu: The pop-up menu contains three Varispeed modes
and four options for the unit of measurement used to display the change in speed.
When you choose a mode, it appears in the top part of the display, and when you
choose a unit of measurement, it appears in the bottom part. You click the top part of
the display to open the pop-up menu, and you can drag the units in the bottom part
of the display to adjust them.
• Speed Only: Use this mode to pitch shift the master output signal to balance the
pitch change caused by varispeed. This mode changes only the speed, not the pitch.
• Varispeed (Speed and Pitch): Use this mode to emulate classic tape varispeed, where
the pitch changes to reflect the speed change.