Magic Mouse Loses Connection
IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
If it was a Bluetooth issue, it should also affect the keyboard, so the "something is wrong with the mous' battery compartment" gives meaning. I have not read anything about keyboard losing connection, just the mouse...
Hi: a year ago you said "I had a simiar issue a month or so ago with the wireless modem dropping out due to conflict with my cordless (landline) phone radio signal. That was resolved by changing the channel on the modem. Again, so far so good." I'm having the same problem every time I use my cordless landline phone. However, I'm not sure how to change the channel on the modem. I'd really be grateful for help: it's very annoying!
This was really annoying. but very easy to fix. It is a bad design issue with the batteries. Open the back, and wedge a post-it (or similar between the batteries to lodge them against the sides. Then, before putting the battery cover back on, put another folded post-it bewteen the cover and the batteries to ensure there is absolutely no battery movement. This totally nailed it. Can I have my $10,000 fixers fee now please Apple?
After months of aggravation/lost connections....and having read a few dozen posts, the simplest solution on this entire thread solved my problem.
The folded piece of paper in the battery compartment did the trick: two weeks, no lost connection.
Since it costs nothing and takes almost NO TIME TO DO, I would strongly suggest you start with a folded piece of paper in the battery compartment - before you even so much as turn bluetooth on/off, or re-installing anything.
Thank you to whoever suggested it first !
Had same problem with Penguin Verticle mouse. Found the mouse wireless connection was in conflict with my logitech wireless keyboard. I unintalled keyboard and mouse wireless drivers, replaced my logitech wireless keyboard with a wired keyboard that came with the computer and reinstalled the Penguin mouse driver and it works perfectly without losing connection.
I've been dogged with issues with the magicmouse that were vibration and battery caused and have found a great solution.
I've got some sticky foam some 1/3" (10mm) wide and only 1/16" (1-2mm thick), I've cut a length around 1" (25mm) long and for the time being have stuck this along the two batteries holding them together and put the cover back on.
Since then it has't dropped out once! Once i know this is a definite fix I will replace the batteries and put a new peice of tape on the battery cover!!!
I've been using Blu Tak for several years now. Just a tiny bit inside of the cover over each battery.
Only use a tiny bit, just enough to do the job. If you use too much, you'll have difficulty removing the cover to get the batteries out for recharging. Otherwise, works like a charm.
I have finally solved MY magic mouse 'lost connection' problem after a week or so of changing batteries etc and looking at software issues posted on this site. It turned out to be just a 'mechanical' issue.
One of the upper positive battery connectors (the resessed hole ones) had sprung back too far and was causing an intermittant connection, hence the lost Bluetooth connection. The fix was a small ball of aluminium kitchen foil to pack out the gap and ensure a permanent connection to the battery.
Maybe Apple needs to address this issue as it appears to be happening to quite a few users!
This is the only trick that worked for me. I tried all the others, not wanting to believe that a piece of Apple technology needed aluminum foil to work proplerly. I removed/added the mouse from Bluetooth settings, made it a "Favorite", changed the batteries, etc.
Finally, I folded two small pieces of aluminum foil, and inserted them into the battery bay at the "+" end, and then replaced the batteries.
The mouse hasn't failed since.
I've seen some replies to this problem where the tech savvy were laughing at those who suggested the problem could be solved with a folded up piece of paper, but this is exactly how I fixed the problem.
I tried the ditching of preferences etc. New batteries made no improvement either. The clue was that the little red light under the mouse went out a lot, and the mouse would lose the connection if you accidentally tapped the keyboard with it. The batteries were too loose by a matter of microns. Apple must accept this as a design problem, because it drove me nuts.
So thanks those who suggested padding the batteries. You win this one.
I was having connectivty issues with my Magic Mouse. It would disconect randomly and tracking was very jerky.
I removed the batteries and cleaned the contacts with a q-tip. Now it seems to be working perfectly fine again.
"When the Magic Mouse loses it's magic..."
I read that online somewhere in my endless quest to find a working answer to bring the little guys spark and magic back to life, it's so fitting. I've battled the same frustration of connection lost - connected - connection lost .... connected? Wait. No. Yes, connected, no lost ...
I tried the technical side of things like turning off discoverable device, throwing out the preferences, remember this device, changing the batteries, moving the router, ect. The cycle has just been VISCOUS! (Anyone reading this has obviously experienced the same daunting trickery from the NOT so entertaining "Magic Mouse"!)
So having said all of that...
THANK YOU tonyfromraleigh for the following post that has put the magic back into my not so magical mouse!
"I had this problem a lot. What I found out is that the batteries were not extremely tight in the battery compartment and that they would wiggle around, especially when bumped or moved quickly, or even just from plain old gravity losing power and then causing brief connectivity loss.
I resolved it by folding a piece of paper a few times and putting it between the batteries and the battery door so that it couldn't move around in the compartment. Haven't had the problem again since."
I also haven't had the problem again since! Thanks again for giving me my sanity back, Tony.
I didn't want to beilve it but it was the batteries. Bought a box of new good batteries and didn't think that could be the problem. Put some older ones in and no issues since. That is a bit weird but problem solved.
To the person who originally posted this question, I thank you.
To the person who suggested to put a folded piece of paper in between the batteries, like the aliens in toys story, "You have saved our lives, we are eternally grateful". That small piece of bunch up paper restores the magic!
Not sure if this has been posted yet but I don't feel like paging through all the replies to find out. But this solution seems to be the winner.
Magic Mouse Loses Connection