Thanks for the quick response, Tim. I would have been surprised to find someone who had "done it". Also, I already have the Miele manuals for my K1901 refrigerator and F1811 freezer. I also have the manual for the XKM 2000 WLAN module which is a WiFi module which plugs into the back of the units. The refrigerator and freezer are merged together as a single built-in unit and the WiFi modules are plugged into the rear of each one. I can't get to the rear without the help of several muscular folks, but as far as I know there is no Ethernet port.
As far as getting Mac IT support, there is none locally available. I live at 8200 feet in the California Sierra Nevada. The nearest Apple Store is over 100 miles away and, as far as I can find, any local IT type can converse in PC and Windows, but not Mac or Unix. However, I first programmed an IBM computer in 1962 and am fairly familiar with processors and OSs.
My AE router LAN has a TiVo 5400, a Sony DMX-NV1, a Sony BluRay, and a Powerbook as WiFi clients and a dual G5 tower on both WiFi and 1000BaseT. DHCP works fine to all of the clients and I can see them on the Airport Utility(AU)>Advanced>Statistics DHCP list. I can ping those that can respond using Network Utility.
My problem is getting the Miele WiFi modules on the WiFi network. All of the Miele documentation and online help assumes a router that is setup using a browser. The MacOS help can be accessed through the Miele RemoteVision FAQ page at: oT=234
I have tried translating the Miele quidance into Airportese using Airport Utility. I have entered Mac address and descriptions in AU>AirPort>Access and I have entered fixed IP address in AU>Internet>DHCP.
1. The RemoteVision Manual speaks to using UPnP to access the RemoteVision modules. It provides access to various Miele web pages which apparently reside in the module. Is there anything equivalent on MacOS/Airport?
2. The Miele FAQ Help for Mac talks to an Ad-Hoc network. I have unsuccessfully tried to set one up using Create Network at System Preferences>Network>AirPort. Does MacOS support Ad-Hoc networks?
I apologize for the length of this email and look forward to you response