Over sensitive side buttons on wired Mighty Mouse?
I recently bought one of the previous-generation iMacs that came with a wired mighty mouse, and from the word go I have experienced glitches with the mouse. When I first started using it, I would trigger Expose accidentally all the time and I figured perhaps I was holding the mouse too firmly, so I tried to ease off a little but it still kept triggering. In the end, I switched the side buttons off because I simply could not control triggering them. I thought this was a shame because expose via the squeeze of a mouse seemed like a neat feature.
Now, as I use the mouse, I am hearing the a constant ticking or clicking which I am guessing is the side button clicks being registered, but I am handling this thing so lightly that I cannot imagine that it is my fault any more.
I am still within the three-month Apple Care period - should I call Apple and have them replace my mouse or is this normal with the mighty mouse? I've never had one before - maybe they're just ultra-sensitive by design?!
iMac (early 2009) 20" / 2.66Mhz Core2Duo / 2GB RAM / 320GB HD / nVidia 9600, Mac OS X (10.6.2)