My MacBook is connected via a mini-DVI-to-VGA adapter to a computer projector. The project clearly sees my desktop, which it displays. *It shows a PowerPoint presentation without a hitch.* However, when I try to _play DVD film clips using DVD Player_, they show up okay on my MacBook display very nicely, *but the projector continues to display only the desktop background*. Connecting the speakers system in the conference room to the headset port of the MacBook provides great sound from the movie, but there's no picture to go with it. I have a very big presentation to make in 5 days and the film clips are at the heart of it. I need help fast.
I am not sure but the combination of Mini-DVI to VGA may be the problem since you would be sending a (digital) signal from the MacBook and then having it scramble in the VGA portion (analog)....
Thanks for the observation, but it doesn't explain why the projector clearly "sees" my MacBook since it *projects the PowerPoint presentation perfectly*. It's only the DVD that the projector doesn't see. The mini-DVI to VGA adapter is also what the Apple Store and the projector instructions recommend! Very strange. Another post to a similar question suggests setting my computer display to mirror. I haven't tried that yet. I'm concerned that I might lose the ability to show the PowerPoint show. At the moment I have exactly half a presentation!
Thanks. I really appreciate your input. In looking through this info, I don't think this is the problem since I'm not using an HD or Blu ray disk. It's a conundrum.