Furthermore, if you aren't attempting to install 10.5, depending on the age of your iMac G5, you can install either from the discs labelled iMac G5 the operating system, or newer retail discs.
The serial number is at the base of your Mac, and is in this format:
xxABCxxxx where x is any value, and A is the year of manufacture, and BC is the week of manufacture.
iMac G5s with serial numbers where ABC is between 435 and 444 can install from iMac G5 installer discs labelled 10.3.5, and 10.4 installer discs labelled

* that do not say Update, Dropin, or OEM, and the aforementioned 10.5 disc.
ABC between 445 and 450: 10.3.6 iMac G5 and the aforementioned 10.4 installer disc and 10.5 installer disc mentioned above.
ABC betwen 451 and 507: 10.3.7 iMac G5 and the aforementioned 10.4 and 10.5 installer disc mentioned above.
ABC between 507 and 514: 10.3.8 iMac G5 and the aforementioned 10.4 and 10.5 installer disc mentioned above.
ABC is 514: 10.3.8 iMac G5, 10.4 Update, and the aforementioned 10.4 and 10.5 installer discs mentioned above.
ABC Between 515 and 517: 10.3.9 iMac G5, 10.4 Update, and the aforementioned 10.4 and 10.5 installer discs mentioned above.
ABC between 518 and 544: 10.4 iMac G5, 10.4.3 retail looking like the 10.4 disc above, and 10.5 installer disc mentioned above.
ABC between 545 and greater: 10.4.3 iMac G5, 10.4.6 retail looking like the 10.4 disc above, and 10.5 installer disc above.
Edit: where I mention the 10.4 Update disc, you may need to install the 10.3 imac installer disc first that corresponds to the Mac in question, before using the Update disc. I don't remember if this is the case with 10.4 Update or not.
- * Links to my pages may give me compensation.
Message was edited by: a brody