I am new to Mac OS and I am disappointed to see that there's no shortcut option for strikethrough in Stickies. Isn't that one of top things that people use stickies for?! To make lists? Half the fun is crossing items as you get them done...
I've searched on the issue and I'm pretty sure there's no solution but please correct me if I'm missed something or if there's a way to program shortcuts using AppleScript or perl or something.
not something i ever do with stickies (I just delete old stuff). I don't believe you can script this. but you can keep first use the fonts panel to strike through some text in stickies and keep it around. then when you need to use strikethrough just use Fonts menu->copy style (commandoptionc) and paste style (commandoptionV).
not something i ever do with stickies (I just delete old stuff). I don't believe you can script this. but you can keep first use the fonts panel to strike through some text in stickies and keep it around. then when you need to use strikethrough just use Fonts menu->copy style (commandoptionc) and paste style (commandoptionV).
P.S. I like your idea. My workaround is to use a widget in dashboard called "To Do". You add items to a little notepad, which get little check boxes next to them to show when they are completed. It syncs up with iCal's To Do Items and Mail's Reminders, which is convenient.
Hi, thanks for the reply. It's a shame that this has not been implemented yet (it's been a request for a
long time) and it should be so simple (an additional shortcut besided Bold and Italics). Alternatively, you figure that some scripting API should make the Fonts Menu accessible for customization/scripting.
In any case, thanks for your tip. That does seem to be the quickest work-around that I've found so far.
So, to reitererate: Apple, consider this a Feature Request (is there a better forum for this purpose):
- Please add a keyboard shortcut to "Strikethrough" (in Stickies and perhaps system wide).
Thanks for the info. I've just sent Apple the feature request as per your link.
Also, I'll take a look at the widget in question. From the screenshots it looks like it has potential although my prejudice is that I want something really simple and extensible - i.e. stickies - write notes, make to do lists, warn spouse in BOLD LETTERS that something needs to be done soon, etc, all this while occupying the minimum amount of space on the desktop. But I'll def. take a look. Thanks for the tip.