Peaaz5, your description is identical to mine with the same favorable outcome.
After reading this thread I too believed dust could be my problem. I live in the desert southwest in a home built in the 1880's that includes vintage windows. So in the event dust was also a contributing factor or one I would like to avoid, after the humidity issue cleared up I went ahead and took my 2009 27” imac to a trusted (non-apple) repair man and had the interior cleaned for preventative maintenance.
To my surprise and after five years of near daily use the repairman stated that while the cleaning was a good idea and will help cooling, it wasn't that bad. The charge for his service was $40.00. Through the years I've learned the cooling fans of electronic equipment are prone to collect dust and also that cooling is the killer of all things electronic. Take a look at your ceiling fan blades if you don't think you have a dust problem and visualize what might be trapped in your computer after several years of use.
Your and my experiences support Apple's claim that the smudges are environmental in nature and that the units are designed to used in areas of reasonably controlled environmental conditions. I think to often people expect to be able to leave a computer in a cold damp environment or operate without cleaning and expect them to run properly. While they will for a period of time, the life expectancy of your electronics will be shortened.