I'm in canada,québec and i have a rogers Iphone without contract and I need to go on telus because of where i work, rogers don't have coverage. Can a rogers Iphone be unluck and use on telus?
Tamara is correct, as none of the Canadian service providers are unlocking iPhones for use with other carriers. Unless something (legally) is placed to force the providers to unlock phones I would only guess that it is unlikely this will change anytime soon.
As far as solutions go the best option would be to sell the iPhone and get a Telus version if you want to use the iPhone as a phone. Since the phone is out of contract, you could use the phone as an iPod touch.
You could search Google for methods to unlock iPhones however it is not supported by Apple, or any service provider. It could also lead to turning the iPhone into a brick, make it hard/impossible to upgrade the firmware, lead to sercurity issues, will void the warranty & all Apple support & break the user agreement that you have inplace with Apple, just to name a couple of the drawbacks. I would suggest that if you really want the iPhone as a phone with telus in Canada you sell the Rogers one and get a telus one, not the cheapest solution but the best.