search itunes library by account name
i woud like to clean the library once and for all.
how can i search or sort by account name or purchased by?
imac g5
imac g5
Same problem here - the script doesn't help if the name is identical. Is there any other script available to sort by account name? I imagine that the script mentioned above could be edited to select by account name instead of name, or am I wrong?
Any solution would be appreciated!
It might be possible, but it's not a simple modification. The script extracts the purchaser's name via a shell script using grep, so to change it so that the playlist is named for the iTunes Store account name, someone would have to be able to figure out how to extract the account name via a grep. That's not something I have yet figured out. You could email Doug and ask if this is something he could consider for a future version:
FYI, Doug has updated the "Track Down Purchases" script. Version 2 lets you choose whether to search by the purchaser's name or by the account ID. This solves the issue that ACA described in April. Download from
You can find all the content purchased by other users without any special scripts in iTunes (running on Windows or Mac). To do this create a smart playlist with the following criteria:
"Kind" -> "contains" -> "protected AAC"
"Playlist" -> "is not" -> "Purchased"
You can see which accounts these were purchased with by right clicking on the file, going to "get info" and selecting the "File" tab. The account it was purchased with shows up under "purchased by".
All of the songs that are your "own" purchases should show up in your purchased playlist. By creating a smart playlist as I described above, you are sorting on songs that are AAC protected but that you have not purchased with "your" account. I used this to find songs in my iTunes library that were purchased with someone else's iTunes account. In order to play these songs I would have to authorize my iTunes library using the other persons credentials. I no longer wanted to/can do this and wanted to delete these songs that I cant play from my library. The smart playlist described above allowed me to do this.
Chris et all,
Do you know of a similar program for Windows?
Same problem here...anyone have a Windows solution for this? 😕
6 years later,
lkjhfkjfk wrote:
You can find all the content purchased by other users without any special scripts
So which accounts were these purchased with?
Don't want to delete your own purchases.
Pretty sure there wasn't a purchased playlist 6 years ago (this thread) like there is now.
search itunes library by account name