Hey guys,
I was just able to get through this long process with iRecovery on a Mac, for all my Mac peeps out there, hopefully this will help...
First off plug in your iphone to your Mac. Then you're going to want to download the iRecovery files. It comes in a zip, find the link under Step 1 for Instructions for Mac at this link...
http://www.ihackintosh.com/2009/09/recover-iphone-3gs-from-apple-logo-or-recover y-mode-loop/
You'll unzip the file and notice that there will be two files in the unzipped folder.
Next what you need to do is move the dylib file into your usr/lib folder. The problem is for most of us, we can't access that folder by default(it will show up nonexistent). This is because we need to turn on our hidden files. Here's how...
Go to your Utilities and open up terminal, don't be intimidated. This is what you type in terminal...
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
What this does is unhides the hidden files and folders. Don't be put off by the "killall Finder" it's not a virus or anything bad. Once you've typed that all in and hit enter. You'll notice some hidden files on your desktop.
Next what you want to do is click on an open space on your desktop. Then at the top of your screen click on "Go" then from the drop down select "Go to folder..."
It will bring up a window to type in the folder location and you'll want to type in /usr then hit enter. This will bring up one of those hidden folders you couldn't see before. Now you're looking for either the "lib" folder or "local" then "lib" folder. Ultimately you want to get to the "lib" folder. Once you've gotten there, you'll notice many other dylib files.
Next what you want to do is copy that dylib file that came in the iRecovery download over to that "lib" folder you just found. You'll have to authenticate the file transfer, which just means you have to type in your password to allow the file to be copied over to that hidden folder.
Ok, almost there. Once you've done that you'll go back to Terminal and what you're going to do is just drag the iRecovery file into the Terminal box. It's just a short cut of running iRecovery. Once you do that, you'll see some text run through the terminal. Once it's done you are going to type in the Terminal "-s" without the quotes though. This will start the iRecovery program.
Next you are going to type in Terminal... (Note that after each line you'll hit enter)
setenv auto-boot true
Hopefully after all that the itunes window will pop up asking you to choose a backup to reboot from or restore factory.
What I did was I kept all those hidden folder windows open, so after the process I went back and deleted the dylib file I copied over and deleted the iRecovery file as well.
To turn "re-Hide" those hidden files and folders you go back to Terminal (I closed out my previous Terminal window and opened a fresh one). And you'll type in ...
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder
That will re-hide everything. Please understand that because you're using Terminal and accessing hidden folders that were meant to be hidden for reasons, there is an element of risk to this. However, I've tried to make it as simple as possible for you. I am in no way a programmer, or anything close to it. This was my first time using Terminal and accessing hidden folders and it turned out fine.
I hope that helps friends!