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Aperture 3 hanging... and hanging... and chewing...

was totally stoked about upgrading today. now i'm kicking myself in the pants for doing it so quickly.

when i came home for lunch, i installed A3, typed in my purchased Upgrade serial, and then allowed A3 to upgrade my old A2 library. obviously, this was gonna take awhile, so i left it running whilst i went back to the office. when i returned home, i discovered my MBP had actually frozen. ok, that was weird. i had to do a hard shut down (hold down power button) and then reboot. everything comes back fine, i reopen A3, and its just processing "files." i let that go for about 15 minutes, come back, and the MBP has just sloooooowed to a crawl. i mean awful. it was like being at a concert: beach balls of death EVERYWHERE.

i didn't want to, but i had to force quit A3 to do anything else. so i did that, did a normal Restart, and then reopened A3. still processing, same chain of events. i mean, it was terrible.

so finally, FINALLY, i get down to the last 12 "files" or "items" or whatever, and A3 seems to be really stuck on these last 12. it'll just sit there and churn away whilst eating up all system resources and giving my BBODs whenever i move the cursor around.

so... what's going on here? i've tried repairing the database as outlined in the recently update Aperture manual (to no real end; didn't fix anything), and my next step, i suppose, is rebuilding the database. is anyone else having a problem like this? i've seen lots of folks having fairly terrible times with the move, but nothing quite like this. i've a fairly large library (not really giant by any means).

so: help!

2.26gHz Intel MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)

Posted on Feb 9, 2010 8:56 PM

441 replies

Feb 11, 2010 4:04 PM in response to lukelucas

Export problems: Trying export just 12 jpegs from masters and it stacks on the 3rd and lasts and lasts. After 30 minutes I tried to quit the exporting process and it was canceling another 10minutes without success. After that time I forced quit. Restarted. Went the same procedure. The same issue. Unacceptable. LR Beta 3 is unfortunately more stable. Very disappointing experience.

Feb 11, 2010 4:17 PM in response to dougjacobs

@dougjacobs great find ...! 32-bit mode, that did it! Thank you.

Aperture 3 got stuck on processing 4 of 31 items (there were many more, but this is how far it got). Eventually slowing down my iMac (2GB RAM) to a freeze. Free memory with just A3 open was about 500 - 600 MB, right at startup. Tried rebuilding permissions and library, didn't help.

Tried your suggestion of starting A3 in 32-bit mode, now the processing picked up again and within a few minutes all of the 31 items were done. Free memory was now about 1.3 GB, seemed normal. Started up A3 in 64-bit mode and everything seems OK now.

Thanks again sir!

Feb 11, 2010 4:20 PM in response to stevenbrown

stevenbrown wrote:
@doug - genius! 32-bit mode. I'm not out of the woods yet, but RAM symptoms totally gone, and A3 is actually counting through the "items to process." <fingers crossed>

Talk about your bags of hurt, lol.

So, I said that I wouldn't but I'm trying to use Aperture 3 again...
Anyway, I started Aperture 3 in 32-bit mode. You can see (32-bit) in the window title.
However, it once again decided to update the entire photo library. The activity window says "Updating LIbrary...Processing 32,964 items"

Why on earth does it need to update the entire library again???????
I guess that I'm back in update *ell again 😟

Feb 11, 2010 4:22 PM in response to lukelucas

Just to share my experience:

Upgraded to A3 yesterday; 90.000 pics, 120 GB library.
After reading about potential problems I deselected the upgrade all pics to A3 format before beginning.
Then it took about 8 hours to upgrade the library. long time, but no problems.
I disabled Faces in the beginning.
I let him do the show on map analysis, took about 40 minutes (about 10.000 geotagged pics).
Played around with A3 for a bit, everything seems to work nicely so far (but no extensive testing)
I re-processed a couple of pictures to work with the brushes, worked nicely too.
Then I re-enable faces and went to bed. after about 12 hours, face detection is at about 50%.
It's still running, I can easily work on the computer at the same time (mail, skype, pages, safari, and a number of other not that processor intensive tasks).
No freezes, no hick-ups no problems so far. Just a LOT of patience needed.

I've put a 500GB 7200rpm into the MBP, it's encrypted so R/W speed may be a bit slower here.

Feb 11, 2010 4:47 PM in response to lukelucas

I think I have an idea of what's going wrong and how to avoid it.

It's late here and I'm not able to keep testing this more thoroughly, but I thought I'd share what I've found, in case it could save some of you a lot of hassles.

It seems to me that there is a problem with Aperture 2 libraries becoming corrupt with 'referenced' files. These files have been trashed from the library, but there is still a trace of them somewhere in the database file.

I have seen this in the past when I rebuilt my library and suddenly 100 of 'lost' referenced files appeared. I trashed them, but periodically they reappear.

Well ... I had a hunch (having seen that when Aperture 3 stalls on upgrade, that the Disk In and Disk Out goes crazy and the RAM use goes up as does the VM.

So ... instead of upgrading, I exported projects from my Aperture Library. When you export like this, you are given a choice of consolidating the masters, which obviously you want to do. Flags went up when I got an error message that some referenced files were missing. I chose to ignore them.

Now, once in Aperture 3, importing a project goes really fast. Plus ... you get proper feedback about what's going on via the Activity window.

After a few projects, one suddenly stalled. I finally managed to restart the Mac, which was the only way I could get Aperture to quit (I did NOT want to Force Quit).

When I restarted, and opened the Activity window, the processing had in fact finished, even though before, there was still stuff to do, including the thumbnails.

Now the big nasty. The project had a higher file count, in the Activity window, than it should have had. When I look inside, I see that there are a load of missing referenced files. When I look back at Aperture 2, these files are NOT in the project.

So it would seem that Aperture 2 has some issues with referenced files and database integrity. This is what is causing problems during upgrade. The workaround of importing projects seems like a good one, because you can do one at a time, so you won't tie up your Mac when you have actual work to do and you can see exactly when it's stalling. (NB Aperture hasn't actually crashed or even hung).

There you have it.

The good news, is that Aperture 3 appears to be MUCH faster than 2, in my limited browsing, since managing to get some projects in there. I still have more to go tomorrow morning, including my real biggie.

Good luck.

Feb 11, 2010 4:56 PM in response to lukelucas

How are you folks able to access both A2 and A3 on your machines? I am trying to install an upgrade version of A3 and am getting hung up right out of the gate with not enough memory errors which I think I could address if I could get back into A2 and move some libraries to referenced locations but can not find a way to do this to save my life.

I have another post asking how to go back to 2.4 but have not received any helpful advice at this point.

Feb 11, 2010 5:30 PM in response to lukelucas

My sad AP3 story: Downloaded Trial. Renamed current application name to aperture2. Started AP3 in 64-bit. Created completely new empty AP3Trial library. Importing 12 RAWs. Playing around with presets and brushes. Exported 12 jpgs. Got stacked for an hour. Mac got frozen. Other apps without reasonable response. Restarted. Went more times the same experiense. Started AP3 in 32-bit (Get Info - tick Open in 32-bit mode), 12 jpegs exported after about 20minutes.


Feb 11, 2010 6:24 PM in response to horakol

horakol wrote:

Well, I switched mine to 32-bit and it ran fine until I used one of the file adjustments on a single photo. Shortly thereafter it consumed all of the memory it could get and crashed. It was hovering around 800MB of memory usage for a couple of hours. As soon as I applied noise reduction to an image the memory usage rocketed to 2GB and then shortly after it became unresponsive and eventually crashed. Report sent to Apple and it relaunched.

From what I can see, the 32-bit version suffers from the same problems. On the positive side when it decides to consume all the the memory in the system it is at least limited to 4GB and therefore will not actually crash the whole system. With 64-bit mode it allocates tens of gigabytes until not even the mouse pointer responds.

So, my suggestion is to run in 32-bit mode to limit the exposure when it does fail.

Feb 11, 2010 7:31 PM in response to Chuck Bernard

I've followed the threads on Ap 3 since it came out, so I was a little concerned in light of the problems others have had. When my DVD came today, I deleted the trial version and installed the full package. I had exported all my projects from Ap2 to a separate drive - just in case! I then opened Ap 3 and file>import>libraries/projects, pointed it at my existing library and let it go (with faces and previews disabled). 6 hours later, it had finished importing my 40K photos in a 500GB library. It is now processing thumbnails and whatever else it processes. May take many hours into the night. So far no errors although it uses 300-400% CPU while processing, but the 8 core MacPro hardly notices.

Apparently, the extensive time to import is normal. In the instructions, it mentions this and I think most people, myself included, expected to install it, load up the library and be using it in under an hour. I think a more obvious warning would have been helpful. Definitely pull up the activity window and watch what is going on otherwise one might think it is stalled or unresponsive. Tomorrow I'll find out how fast (or slow) it is during adjustments.

Feb 11, 2010 11:23 PM in response to mr barbera

Apple has made its customers a testing group for them (in fact we are paying Apple to test it for them). The issues are so nasty and easy to hit shows that they haven't tested this at all. Has the success gone to their head and making them blind?

Going back to ver 2. Too bad that we can no longer trust Apple when it ships its product out. Apple ... this has hit your reputation big time ...

Feb 12, 2010 12:02 AM in response to lukelucas

I also would like to express my total disappointment. As a result of my immediate purchase of the upgrade ...I had to preinstall the whole OS (for first time since I have mac), the investigation of the reasons about the strange behavior took me about 2 days. The software is totally unusable. 200 new features are now in the trash + 100 USD. De facto paying the company to test the software is a totally wrong policy and very soon customers will start noticing it. I would be glad to see any official explanations.....

Aperture 3 hanging... and hanging... and chewing...

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