Iomega Home Network Storage connection issue
For a little more info this is primarily a Windows Airport network with several flavors of Vista and Windows 7 running on it. I have a Airport Express connected to a Clear WiMax Modem as my primary access to my ISP. I have extended this Network downstairs (via Wireless N 5MHz) to my Airport Extreme Base Station for Gigabit through put for my Media Center set up. This is where my Iomega drive lives and is connected via Ethernet as I stated. Both Airports are running firmware 7.4.2. The Iomega drive is formatted NTFS and can not (as far as I know) be reformatted to FAT32 or another flavor of FAT.
Does anyone know if a earlier version of firmware would resolve this? Thank you so much for taking a look at this for me.....
Many different, Windows Vista