Import iPhoto Title as Aperture Version Name?
DETAILS: Upon import, Aperture ignores my custom iPhoto Titles ("Lunch at Summit", for example) and replaces them with the original file name (DSCF2966, for example). I hate looking at a screen full of DSCxxxxx names. Worse, I've spent a lot of time titling my pictures in iPhoto. I don't want to lose that work.
BACKGROUND: In iPhoto, I typically Batch Change a just-imported set of photos, setting the Title to nothing. Then I give meaningful names to pictures that I care about titling. This way, I reduce visual clutter on the photo display; any title text I see is there because I typed it in. When I try this trick in Aperture, it displays "<untitled>" for any pictures I remove the camera's DSCxxxxx from.
QUESTION 2: Is it a bad idea to get rid of the camera DSCxxxx Version Names?
I've experimented with the Import settings, searched these forums, the web, and the Aperture help files, to no avail.
David Long
Macbook Pro (15" unibody), Mac OS X (10.6.2), Aperture 3.0.1