Does OSX leopard 10.5 have a 4GB limit?
I'm still on Leopard 10.5.8 as my PT and plug ins all work ok..
I mainly use Logic, PT and Ableton with plugs like NI Kontakt 3 and East West Libraries etc
However when I bought my Mac Pro (early 2009) I was told to put as much RAM as I could (like most PC and Mac's) so I have 10Gb available
But if Leopard is limiting the RAM, surely 6GB of it is always sitting unused? Or is the 10Gb distributed evenly, like 4Gb for Ableton, and more (extra) memory for large plug ins? eventually using up the 10Gb til it falls over?
Will all my 10Gb be used or is 6GB of that just a waste in 10.5?
Mac Pro 10Gb * Macbook Pro 2Gb (late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.5)