Dynamic Disks, EZ-Drives?
I have an MBP that is dual-booted, via Bootcamp, into Windows 7. We recently purchased a Seagate BlackArmor NAS, and it came with a backup utility.
When I run the backup software, it returns a message:
"BlackArmor Backup has detected unsupported hard disk drives. BlackArmor Backup does not support Windows Dynamic Disks, EZ-Drives, etc."
Any clues? After doing a little research, I found out something about Dynamic Disks and the Master Boot Record, and didn't know if there was something about the way that BootCamp formatted or configured the drives that causes this. I also renamed the AppleMNT file (which was a fix for not being able to install Windows XP SP3), because I thought that the presence of my Mac harddrive from within windows might be causing the conflict. Not the case.
I don't know that there is going to be anything that can be done to fix it, because I am not going to reformat my hard drive or anything like that if this is the fix. Just looking for some insight, or anything anyone might know that I might be able to do work around it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)