Trouble Reinstalling OS 9.2
When I start Classic, first I get a warning screen about QuickTime, which I dismiss (I'll take care of that later on). Then I get the message "Classic needs to update files in "System Folder" on [my secondary hard disk]." But then when I click the "Update" button it hangs, giving me the message "There is a problem with updating the Classic-specific files. Classic was unable to update its files in "System Folder" on [my secondary hard disk]." And I have to Quit.
If I try to boot into OS 9, I get the first screen from the Mac OS Setup Assistant, and everything hangs. I can only hard restart. At least nothing in my OS X environment is being hurt, but I'm frustrated about not being able to use OS 9 in any way. What am I overlooking? What can I do to sort this out?
TIA, Jeff
PowerMac G4, Mac OS X (10.4.3), G4 450, processor upgraded to 1.2 GHz