ipad wifi fix
and i have not had a problem
I have a router supplied by Verizon fios
mac book pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
mac book pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I have similar WIFI problems
WIFI drops every 5 minutes and makes all of our Apple devices
UNUSABLE. This includes 2 iPODs, 1 MacBook pro, and a brand
New iPad 2 I bought yesterday.
I had to book a flight on m'y son's HP laptop since 5 attempts
On Apple failed
This WIFI problem was OK on OS4.0 and started when I upgraded
To OS 4.1 on thé iPODs
It is enfuriating
No solution yet propsed. I will start an iPAD 2 WIFI reception "attenna gate"
on YOUTUBE if it doesn't get resolved soon
the thing that most upsets me is that it comes from nowhere for me!
i used my iPad 2 for many weeks and this morning all of a sudden it connected but wasn't able to download a single page on the web!
Apple should fix that issue, it's an unforgivable flaw for such useful device!
i got new habits and now without any errors from me i can't use my ipad anymore?
i'm so disappointed by Apple, few days ago i had a problem with podcasts that made itunes crashed as soon as i clicked on the tab and it came like this without any warning!
i hope the wifi issue will know the same happy end, the day after itunes turned back as functionnal as it ever been.
Do something!!!!!!!!
I was getting this but it seems to have resolved itself since uograding to ios501.
Bought the new ipad - retina display. Everything was fine until I must have apparently given the pad the death grip or something because the wifi dropped off. I was pretty frustrated with a day and a half working through every google-searched identified possible solution: adjusted brightness, reset modem, reset network settings, set up static settings, reset all settings and finally, completed a full reset of ipad. Nothing fixed the problem. HOWEVER...a successful workaround was found and it relates to the position of the antenna, apparently. I took the ipad over to the router - held it vertically (with the home button on top) and within 30 seconds the wifi connected. When I walked away, it disconnected again. I went back to the router, held it vertically within 12" of the router and waited and again within 30 seconds the wifi appeared and I clicked on it. Now, for the last two days it has held full bars and works fine - so much that Netflix works without any interruption. Hope this works as a solution for some of you with the same problem and frustration as me....
I pre-ordered the Retina display iPad, and it's been great since the end of March. I use this iPad a few hours every night while watching TV to check email and surf.
Last night, out of the blue, the connection began dropping. I sit 15 feet from the access point, an SMC .11g model, and have zero problems with any of my Mac devices --still don't, only the iPad is affected. It drops the connection but the indicator bars stay full -- just the spinning circle as if it's loading something. I believe it's renegotiating the connection. The connection was flawless, before and after the 5.1.1 update.
It's never been dropped or handled rough, and it's stored in a chair-side table when not in use. I turn it off/on every day.
I've done it all. Reset Network, reentered settings etc. I've rebooted the entire network as well. No joy.
Interestingly, when I bought the SMC access point I bought two, one for backup. I plugged that access point in and brought it up, entered the information to connect via the iPad and then watched Netflix for 20 minutes without problem before signing off for the night.
I'm going to try the main access point again tonight. It's an odd problem, for sure, but I had this exact problem with the 1st generation Touch and a Belkin .11b access point. Every other device worked but not the Touch. That's when I bought the SMC and the Touch worked fine.
I have been experiencing a similar issue...
In May 2012 I purchased an iPhone 4S. I also have an iPad (1). I loaded a bunch of music into iTunes on my iMac, and set up iTunes Music Sharing and File Sharing, so I could stream the iTunes music to both the iPhone and the iPad while in the house.
Well, music would be streaming fine, for 45-60 minutes (not sure exactly). Then, the music would abruptly stop, and checking the Music app would show that the Shared music was no longer connected. When I navigated to the More setting in the Music app on both the iPhone and iPad, I found that the share was visible, but no longer selected. Selecting Share allowed me to reconnect to the music stream, and I could then listen to streamed music again, for another 45-60 minutes, before it would drop off again.
I checked a variety of things, eliminating the iMac setup (Power Saving features, Hard Drive Sleep, System Sleep, etc), as well as sharing settings on the iPhone and iPad. When I asked an Apple 'Genius' about it, he suggested it was a wireless network issue, but could be no more specific.
Well, today I decided to check wireless network settings. On the home Linksys WRT610N router I use WPA2-Personal as the encryption method for the home network. I noticed that the setting for WPA2 Re-Keying Interval was set for 3600 (seconds), which happens to be one hour. Suspecting that this is curiously close to the time that the music stream stopped streaming because the share disonnect, I decided to try setting the interval to a different value - 600 (seconds). So, instead of WPA2 re-keying the encryption connection every hour, it is doing it every ten minutes. I figured that if this was the problem, it would show up more quickly, and then, after confirming this as the culprit, I could look into it further.
Well, I've now been listening to streaming music on the iPad for THREE+ HOURS, and it has not dropped off yet. So, I don't know if I've stumbled on the issue and also stumbled onto a solution, but I thought that I'd put it out here for others to check and experiment with.
Good luck,
Well, 30 minutes after posting my comments, my iPad disconnected from the Music share. :-( So, playing with the WPA2 re-keying interval didn't change a thing.
What did change was my behavior with using the iPhone/iPad with the music stream. Previously, it disconnected when I was listening to the music but not using the iPhone/iPad for anything else, so basically it was sitting there, not being touched. Tonight, I was interacting with the screen while I listened to the music, and finally stopped touching the screen about 30-35 minutes before the connection to the music share was dropped.
Perhaps this has something to do with an inactivity timer or idle timer within the device that somehow declares that the device needs reduce power consumption by dropping the wifi connection?
ipad wifi fix