Background: I am a professional speaker that HATES podiums, so I want to be able to control an iPad Keynote presentation from anywhere on stage.
(1) Is there an iPhone app that can control an iPad Keynote presentation in show mode (slide advance, slide backup, etc.)?
(2) If "no", would an MacBook Pro remote work?
(3) If "no" any other ideas on how to do this Keynote/iPad remote control?
If you're willing to jailbreak, I've just discovered that BTStack Mouse (free) will pair with my Targus Bluetooth Presenter (in mouse mode). I CAN ADVANCE SLIDES WIRELESSLY!!
The only problem is the 'back' button locks the iPad (as if I pressed the power button). I can emulate a back to previous slide by swiping the Targus remote's mouse control to the right and clicking the left button, but its tricky and certainly suboptimal.
I've written the developer to see if he can address this.
I know jailbreaking etc is frowned upon by many (not sure if its forbidden to discuss here) but it is proof that this CAN work, if only Apple enables the native bluetooth stack to work like this.
i gave a talk around a table with the ipad as the display device. keynote was used. i found it very difficult to advance slides. only screen taps or swipes would change slides.
tried keynote with keyboard dock and both apple and microsoft bluetooth keyboards... space bar and cursor keys have no effect.
I wonder if this would bridge the gap until Apple solves then problem.
In Keynote you can create a .mov from a Keynote slideshow. The Wireless Keyboard has a Media Controller - at least Start/Stop capability. That means you can display the most complex presentations - richer fonts, builds, custom animation, sound, video - as long as it comes across in a video.
The video can be started and stopped, slide image by slide image. The video plays to the end of the clip and then waits the slide transition time before advancing. I haven't tried manual advance.
A little update... Keynote 1.1 still will not advance slides using any keys from a bluetooth keyboard. Once that works, I figure someone will sell a little clicker that emulates a Bluetooth keyboard.
Sigh. My next big talk is in mid June, so there's still time for Keynote 1.2 to make it work!
I would think if this could work. Apple would be promoting this device for the iPad big time. I would think that Kensington might be working on this....maybe.
The connection to Universal Dock can be made only via this new dockXtender and I don't think Apple is aware of this cable. I don't believe they've stripped down the iPhone OS for the iPad. So it's possible the remote codes are somewhere in iPad OS. I've just ordered the cable so we'll see if it works.
Like you said this product has so much potential. Bue folks here is something that we have to understand.....important to all the readers in this forum.
Apple Inc. Is a business company, with that said, they are very smart, is all about money and "part of the plan"
What I meant is that because is a business company they have to sell in orde to make money, how do they do that? When a products comes out to the market they have to make it as simple as possible in order to have everyone crying for updates, and or other 3rd party apps who can develop our needs using applications and have them sell for X amount of money. In the words, they know and have all this technology that we are asking for our products (ipads, iPhones or macs), but they won't provide them to the public in the first release because then, they wont have any updates available in the next version. Remember they must have some tricks for the next version and every year they will make whatever product a better one. But what would happen if they make a perfect product right away? They won't have any updates the next year for the next version. That issue would be very bad for them, because then they won't have anything to compete against the competition. You now what I mean? They know all this stuff and they also know our needs but they won't please us until they get something in return (money) in a next upgrade, update or perhaps a new device. Remember they are not lacking anything they are just holding some things in order to have them available for a next release to the public.
In the other hand, I love apple, I love their products, simply because they are just the best products ever and perhaps one of the most advance products in the world when it comes to technology, like my iPhone which is beautiful in every way including my gorgeous iPad, but sometimes people seems to not understand how a company works.
You do have a point...but there are issues that can halt ones use of an app. Just like, no remote for the iPad. If they did hold back this feature that would be bad on their account. And if this was leaked it would hurt them. I can see holding back a new feature but not an existing feature that the desktop version has... Charge me another five bucks for the app and be done with it.
I think there is more than meets the eye to make this work on the iPad. No arrow keys to start with... Even if you hook up keyboard to the iPad. The arrow keys don't work...they don't work at all.
There's no reason to sit here and point fingers at Apple and say there might be a conspiracy on Apples part to hold back a major feature. Apple not in business to hurt me on my end so they can make a buck.
I think your are correct and you do have a point, they can just charge you for an app and that's it. But it seems they just don't want to. Your are right when you said, they are holding back something that is already out there, why they do it? don't know, but hopefully they will come with something for us fast.....
BTW: hopefully I didn't hurt anybody's feelings in the previous message.
This is almost (no, actually it is) comical. So, what you are saying is that people who buy iPads and Keynote, but actually expect to use it for presentations are fools who should have bought MacBooks instead? So, is the iPad just a toy for kids practice the concept of giving a presentation, so that one day when they grow up, they will transition to 'real' Keynote on a 'real' computer? Seriously people. Drop the fanboy act and hold Apple's feet to the fire until they fix this stuff.
I've been an avid Apple fan now for nearly 25 years... and some of you people are really embarrassing me in these forums. First, we all have to try and convince the 'PC' world that the iPad isn't just a toy... then when they buy it and complain that it does not do something entirely reasonable to expect it to do, then we say, 'Oh, you expected it to not be a toy? You should have bought a real computer." (hangs head in shame...)
Wanting to control a presentation via a bluetooth remote IS NOT wanting a cheap MacBook, it is expecting to use the product as intended.